Killer whale / Orca - The adult male known as "MEL"FG-eb-327 Killer whale / Orca - The adult male known as "MEL", 45 to 50 years old when these images were taken (March 2006) hunting South American Sealion pups on a beach at Punta Norte
Killer Whale Vancouver Aquarium, CanadaAU-1212 KILLER WHALE / Orca - underwater Vancouver Aquarium, Canada Orcinus orca Auscape Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Killer / Orca Whale - breaching. ML522TOM-1166 Killer / Orca Whale - breaching Puget Sound, San Juan Islands, Washington, British Columbia
Killer WhaleFG-9509-M Killer Whale / Orca - underwater Orcinus orca Francois Gohier Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Killer / Orca Whale - spy hopping ML967PTOM-1163 Killer / Orca Whale - spy hopping Puget Sound, San Juan Islands, British Columbia
Killer whales, Transient type - breaching during a phase of traveling and active socializingFG-EC-495 Killer whales, Transient type - breaching during a phase of traveling and active socializing. Photographed in Monterey Bay, California, USA, Pacific Ocean
Killer Whale / Orca - Several pods came together to form a "superpod"FG-ab-418 Killer Whale / Orca - Several pods came together to form a "superpod"
Killer Whale - breaching Pacific Northwest ml96pTOM-888 Killer Whale / Orca - breaching San Juan Islands, Puget Sound, Washington
Killer Whales - Transient type - Adult male - Monterey Bay - Pacific Ocean - California - USA - AprilFG-EC-503 Killer Whales - Transient type Adult male - Monterey Bay - Pacific Ocean - California - USA - April Orcinus orca Francois Gohier Please note that prints are for personal display purposes
Killer whale / Orca - male, breaching Photographed in Johnstone StraitFG-4885 Killer whale / Orca - male, breaching Photographed in Johnstone Strait, British Columbia
Killer whales/ Orca - transient typeFG-EC-018 Killer whales/ Orca - transient type Monterey Bay, Pacific Ocean, California, USA Orcinus orca There are three types of recognised Killer Whales - resident, transients & offshore'
Killer Whale FG 2468 Orcinus orca © Francois Gohier ARDEA LONDONFG-2468 KILLER WHALE / Orca - at surface, showing dorsal fin Orcinus orca Francois Gohier Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Picture No. 10947600Orca / Killer Whale - attack on young South American Sea Lion (Otaria flavescens) (formerly Otaria byronia) Valdes Peninsula, Patagonia, Argentina. Date:
Killer whale / Orcas practicing intentional stranding; PatagoniaFG-eb-364 Killer whale / Orcas practicing intentional stranding Patagonia Orcinus orca The small population of Orcas of northern Patagonia uses a unique strategy of intentional stranding to capture
Killer whale / Orcas - Hunting South American Sea lion pups at the water's edgeFG-eb-284 Killer whale / Orcas - Hunting South American Sea lion pups at the water's edge Punta Norte, Valdes Peninsula, Province Chubut, Patagonia
Killer Whale Male This individual is part of a pod of Transient Killer whalesFG-dz-514 Killer Whale / Orca - Male Monterey Bay, California, USA Orcinus orca This individual is part of a pod of Transient Killer whales
Killer whale This population of killer whales feed on herringFG-bu-954 Killer whale - this population of killer whales feed on herring Tysfjord, Norway Orcinus orca In the autumn
Killer Whale - this population of killer whales feed on herringFG-bv-164 Killer Whale - this population of killer whales feed on herring Vestfjord, Norway Orcinus orca In the autumn
Killer whale / Orca - mating pair; the male rolls upwards but the female is already divingFG-EC-038 Killer whale / Orca - mating pair; the male rolls upwards but the female is already diving Monterey Bay, Pacific Ocean, California
DDE-90038024orca or killer whale (Orcinus orca) attacking southern sea lion pup (Otaria byronia) in shallow water near beach Date: 22/04/2005
DDE-90038023orca or killer whale (Orcinus orca) flipping sea lion pup (Otaria byronia) in air with tail Date: 22/04/2005
DDE-90028208Train to Churchill from Winnipeg, Churchill, Manitoba, Canada Date: 28/06/2006
DDE-90028033Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver Island, Sydney, Strait of Georgia. Killer whale (Orcinus orca), adult breaching. Date: 23/11/2009
DDE-90028032Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver Island, Sydney, Strait of Georgia. Killer whale (Orcinus orca), adult breaching. Date: 23/11/2009
DDE-90028029Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver Island, Sydney, Strait of Georgia. Killer whale (Orcinus orca), cow with calf swimming. Date: 23/11/2009
DDE-90028031Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver Island, Sydney, Strait of Georgia. Killer whale (Orcinus orca), adult slaps its tail. Date: 23/11/2009
DDE-90028030Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver Island, Sydney, Strait of Georgia. Killer whale (Orcinus orca), resident pod swimming in the strait. Date: 23/11/2009
DDE-90028028Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver Island, Sydney, Strait of Georgia. Killer whale (Orcinus orca), adult male swimming in the strait. Date: 23/11/2009
DDE-90027878Vancouver Island, Clayoquot Sound. Orcas surfacing. Date: 28/01/2009
DDE-90027879Vancouver Island, Clayoquot Sound. Orca surfacing. Date: 28/01/2009
DDE-90027838Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver Island, Johnstone Strait. Orca Whale approaches sea kayak camp on Johnstone Strait. Date: 20/07/2006
DDE-90027837Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver Island, Johnstone Strait. Orca Whale (killer whale) tail on Johnstone Strait. Date: 20/07/2006
DDE-90023784Antarctica. Orca whales Antarctica. Date: 09/02/2006
DDE-90023593Far East Coast of Antarctica, Cooperation Sea. Orca Whales (Orcinus orca) surface to breathe and expel water through blowholes at sunset. Date: 11/09/2007
Picture No. 10878544Killer Whale / Orca - skeleton (Orcinus orca) Date:
Killer Whale - Sea World, San Diego, California, USAFG-716 Killer Whale Sea World, San Diego, California, USA Orcinus orca Francois Gohier Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway
Killer Whale - Transient type - End of a breachFG-EC-486 Killer Whale - Transient type - End of a breach
Killer whale / Orca - Spyhopping Photographed in Johnstone StraitFG-4814 Killer whale / Orca - Spyhopping Photographed in Johnstone Strait, British Columbia
Orca whale - male. ml207TOM-887 Orca whale - male
Picture No. 10848550Killer Whale - feeding on Sealion near beach (Orcinus orca ) Date:
Picture No. 10947599Orca / Killer Whale - attack on young South American Sea Lion (Otaria flavescens) (formerly Otaria byronia) Valdes Peninsula, Patagonia, Argentina. Date:
Picture No. 10873820Killer Whales - Transient type - and whale watching vessel with tourists (Orcinus orca) Date:
Picture No. 10848440Killer Whale / Orca (Orcinus orca) Date:
Picture No. 10848552Killer Whale / Orca - attacking Sealions near beach (Orcinus orca) Date:
Picture No. 10848551Killer Whale, Orca - attacking Sealions near beach (Orcinus orca ) Date:
Picture No. 10762301Killer / Orca Whale - whale watching (Orcinus Orca) Date:
Picture No. 10762428Orca Whale / Killer Whale - with sailboat (Orcinus orca) Date:
Picture No. 10762302Killer / Orca Whale - whale watching (Orcinus Orca) Date:
Picture No. 10947605Orca / Killer Whale - attack on young South American Sea Lion (Otaria flavescens) (formerly Otaria byronia) Valdes Peninsula, Patagonia, Argentina. Date:
Picture No. 10947602Orca / Killer Whale - attack on young South American Sea Lion (Otaria flavescens) (formerly Otaria byronia) Valdes Peninsula, Patagonia, Argentina. Date:
Picture No. 10947604Orca / Killer Whale Valdes Peninsula, Patagonia, Argentina. Date:
Picture No. 10947603Orca / Killer Whale Valdes Peninsula, Patagonia, Argentina. Date:
Picture No. 10947601Orca / Killer Whale - attack on young South American Sea Lion (Otaria flavescens) (formerly Otaria byronia) Valdes Peninsula, Patagonia, Argentina. Date:
Picture No. 10882254Killer Whale / Orca (Orcinus orca) Date:
Picture No. 10882255Killer Whale / Orca (Orcinus orca) Date:
Picture No. 10882249Killer Whale / Orca - watched by tourist (Orcinus orca) Date:
Picture No. 10882250Killer Whale / Orca - at sunset (Orcinus orca) Date:
Picture No. 10882253Killer Whale / Orca - male at sunset (Orcinus orca) Date:
Picture No. 10882252Killer Whale / Orca - watched by diver (Orcinus orca) Date:
Picture No. 10882245Killer Whale / Orca - underwater (Orcinus orca) Date:
Picture No. 10882244Killer Whale / Orca - surfacing - blowing (Orcinus orca) Date:
Picture No. 10882243Killer Whale / Orca - surfacing with Gulls - at sunset (Orcinus orca) Date:
Picture No. 10866774Killer whale / Orca - A pod of Transient type killer whales attacking a Grey whale mother and calf. The calf's head is resting onto its mother's back (Orcinus orca) Date:
Picture No. 10866775Killer whale / Orca - A pod of Transient type killer whales attacking a Grey whale mother and calf. (Orcinus orca) Date:
Picture No. 10866767Killer whales / Orcas - A pod of Transient type killer whales attacking a Grey whale mother and calf
Picture No. 10866769Killer whales / Orcas - A pod of Transient type killer whales attacking a Grey whale mother and calf
Picture No. 10866771Killer whale / Orca - A pod of Transient type killer whales attacking a Grey whale mother and calf. (Orcinus orca) Date:
Picture No. 10866772Killer whale / Orca - A pod of Transient type killer whales attacking a Grey whale mother and calf. An adult male Killer whale rams the side of the calf (Orcinus orca) Date:
Picture No. 10866768Killer whales / Orcas - A pod of Transient type killer whales attacking a Grey whale mother and calf. Calf resting its head upon mother's back. (Orcinus orca) Date:
Picture No. 10866764Killer whales / Orcas - A pod of Transient type killer whales attacking a Grey whale mother and calf
Picture No. 10866770Killer whales / Orcas - A pod of Transient type killer whales attacking a Grey whale mother and calf. Rammed by a killer whale, the calf's head is projected upwards (Orcinus orca) Date:
Picture No. 10866766Killer whales / Orcas - A pod of Transient type killer whales attacking a Grey whale mother and calf
Picture No. 10866765Killer whales / Orcas - A pod of Transient type killer whales attacking a Grey whale mother and calf
Picture No. 10866763Killer whales / Orcas - A pod of Transient type killer whales attacking a Grey whale mother and calf. A killer whale rams the calf one hour ten minutes into the attack (Orcinus orca) Date:
Picture No. 10866762Killer whales / Orcas - A pod of Transient type killer whales attacking a Grey whale mother and calf. Calf pushed upwards rammed by attacker from below. (Orcinus orca) Date:
Picture No. 10848439Orca / Killer Whales - aerial view - circling King Penguins (Orcinus orca) Date:
Picture No. 10783839Orca / Killer Whale - next to boat with tourists watching (Orca orcinus) Date:
Picture No. 10783838Orca / Killer Whale - next to boat with tourists watching (Orca orcinus) Date:
Picture No. 10782604Killer Whale - with observation boat in background (Orcinus orca) Date:
Picture No. 10782598Killer Whale - with divers in foreground (Orcinus orca) Date:
Picture No. 10782600Observation boat looking for Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) Date:
Picture No. 10782601Observation boat looking for Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) Date:
Picture No. 10901417Orca / Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) Date:
Picture No. 10901415Orca / Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) Date: