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15 Items
Golden / Syrian Hamster - with youngLB-1556 Golden / Syrian HAMSTER - mother suckling young in straw nest Mesocricetus auratus Ian Beames Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only
Picture No. 10754193Devastated coniferous forest, by high winds, along the southern slopes of the Tatras Date
Red Squirrel - Running down tree-trunk Lower Saxony, GermanyUSH-1668 Red Squirrel - Running down tree-trunk Lower Saxony, Germany Sciurus vulgaris Duncan Usher Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Adult Rosemary Beetle on Rosemary leaf Pest of Rosemary and Lavender plants Recent introduction to UK LocationSPH-3331 Adult Rosemary BEETLE - on Rosemary leaf. Location: London garden, UK Chrysolina americana Pest of Rosemary, Lavender and Thyme plants. Recent introduction to UK from southern Europe
Adult Rosemary Beetle on Rosemary leaf Pest of Rosemary and Lavender plants Recent introduction to UK LocationSPH-3330 Adult Rosemary BEETLE - on Rosemary leaf. Location: London garden, UK Chrysolina americana Pest of Rosemary, Lavender and Thyme plants. Recent introduction to UK from southern Europe
Adult Rosemary Beetle on Rosemary leaf Pest of Rosemary and Lavender plants Recent introduction to UK LocationSPH-3329 Adult Rosemary BEETLE - on Rosemary leaf. Location: London garden, UK Chrysolina americana Pest of Rosemary, Lavender and Thyme plants. Recent introduction to UK from southern Europe
Adult Rosemary Beetle on Rosemary leaf Pest of Rosemary and Lavender plants Recent introduction to UK LocationSPH-3327 Adult Rosemary BEETLE - on Rosemary leaf. Location: London garden, UK Chrysolina americana Pest of Rosemary, Lavender and Thyme plants. Recent introduction to UK from southern Europe
Adult Rosemary Beetle - On Rosemary leafSPH-3326 Adult Rosemary BEETLE - on Rosemary leaf. Location: London garden, UK Chrysolina americana Pest of Rosemary, Lavender and Thyme plants. Recent introduction to UK from southern Europe
Green Capsid Bug - note long proboscis UKSPH-1305 Green Capsid Bug - note long proboscis UK Lygocoris pabulinus Steve Hopkin Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Common Green Capsid ~Bug - feeding on flower UKSPH-1303 Common Green Capsid Bug - feeding on flower UK Steve Hopkin Steve Hopkin Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Red Squirrel - Scratching itself, collecting nuts in garden Lower Saxony, GermanyUSH-1667 Red Squirrel - Scratching itself, collecting nuts in garden Lower Saxony
Prothonotary Warbler - spring plumage Connecticut, USAJZ-2017 Prothonotary Warbler - spring plumage Connecticut, USA
Scarlet Macaw - In flight Found in the rainforests of Central and South AmericaDH-3569 Scarlet Macaw - In flight Found in the rainforests of Central and South America
Cirl Bunting Vaucluse, PACA, FranceWAT-12420 Cirl Bunting Vaucluse, PACA, France Emberiza cirlus M. Watson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Woodpigeon - On gravestone in cemetery Lower Saxony, GermanyUSH-1731 Woodpigeon - On gravestone in cemetery Lower Saxony, Germany Columba palumbus Duncan Usher Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way