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Images Dated 16th January 2006

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23 Items

Background imageImages Dated 16th January 2006: Huntsman Spider - protecting egg sack Fm: Sparassidae

Huntsman Spider - protecting egg sack Fm: Sparassidae
JPF-7553 Huntsman Spider Protecting egg sack Olios calligaster. Fm: Sparassidae Jean Paul Ferrero Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageImages Dated 16th January 2006: Eel - rare, sand dwelling eel, nocturnal hunter. Notice the crab hiding inder the eels chin

Eel - rare, sand dwelling eel, nocturnal hunter. Notice the crab hiding inder the eels chin. Ambon, Indonesia
VT-8728 Eel - rare, sand dwelling eel, nocturnal hunter. Notice the crab hiding under the eels chin. Ambon, Indonesia possibly Brachysomophis sp

Background imageImages Dated 16th January 2006: Mourning Dove - The common wild dove in North America - Eats seed-waste grain - fruits-insects

Mourning Dove - The common wild dove in North America - Eats seed-waste grain - fruits-insects - Plump fast-flying
CAN-2399 Mourning Dove Arizona, USA Zenaida macroura John Cancalosi Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 16th January 2006: Swarthy Parrotfish - about to bite into a coral polyp. The fish does not devour the coral but

Swarthy Parrotfish - about to bite into a coral polyp. The fish does not devour the coral but the algae that lives in
VT-8716 Swarthy Parrotfish - about to bite into a coral polyp. The fish does not devour the coral but the algae that lives in and on the static animal. Heron Island. Great Barrier Reef. Australia

Background imageImages Dated 16th January 2006: Bullethead Parrotfish - Note the many teeth that form the parrot like beak

Bullethead Parrotfish - Note the many teeth that form the parrot like beak
VT-8715 Bullethead Parrotfish - Note the many teeth that form the parrot like beak. These teeth are specially designed for munching coral Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef

Background imageImages Dated 16th January 2006: Mistltoe - growing on Poplars. Alsace - France

Mistltoe - growing on Poplars. Alsace - France
WAT-11832 Mistltoe - growing on Poplars Alsace - France M. Watson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway.

Background imageImages Dated 16th January 2006: Moray eel - a meter in length this moray showed great curiosity pushing his mouth against

Moray eel - a meter in length this moray showed great curiosity pushing his mouth against the camera lens
VT-8727 Moray eel - a meter in length this moray showed great curiosity pushing his mouth against the camera lens. Papua New Guinea Gymnothorax fimbriatus Valerie & Ron Taylor Please note that prints

Background imageImages Dated 16th January 2006: Parrotfish - sleeping in the safety of its sand spotted mucus cocoon

Parrotfish - sleeping in the safety of its sand spotted mucus cocoon. The cocoon is made from the mucus coating
VT-8718 Parrotfish - sleeping in the safety of its sand spotted mucus cocoon Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef Scarus sp. The cocoon is made from the mucus coating on the fishes scales

Background imageImages Dated 16th January 2006: Moray Eel and Cleaner Wrasse (Labroides sp) - Cleaner wrasse are the barbers of the reef

Moray Eel and Cleaner Wrasse (Labroides sp) - Cleaner wrasse are the barbers of the reef
VT-8725 Moray Eel and Cleaner Wrasse (Labroides sp) Indonesia Gymnothorax flavimarginatus Cleaner wrasse are the barbers of the reef. Here we see a wrasse nipping parasites from a moray eel

Background imageImages Dated 16th January 2006: Honeycomb Moray Eel - can grow 2 meters in length. It can be dangerous if molested but generally

Honeycomb Moray Eel - can grow 2 meters in length. It can be dangerous if molested but generally they are not
VT-8726 Honeycomb Moray Eel - can grow 2 meters in length. It can be dangerous if molested but generally they are not aggressive to humans

Background imageImages Dated 16th January 2006: Moray Eel & Cleaner Wrasse (Labroides Dimidiatus) - The little wrasse does a soft dance

Moray Eel & Cleaner Wrasse (Labroides Dimidiatus) - The little wrasse does a soft dance on the eel's head to signal
VT-8720 Moray Eel & Cleaner Wrasse (Labroides Dimidiatus) - The little wrasse does a soft dance on the eel's head to signal she is about to start cleaning him. Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef

Background imageImages Dated 16th January 2006: Parrotfish - sleeping in the safety of it's sand spotted mucus cocoon

Parrotfish - sleeping in the safety of it's sand spotted mucus cocoon
VT-8717 Parrotfish - sleeping in the safety of it's sand spotted mucus cocoon. Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef. Scarus sp The cocoon is made by inflating the mucus coating on the fishes scales

Background imageImages Dated 16th January 2006: Parrotfish - A male Parrotfish releasing sand from it's gills after eating coral to absorb the algae

Parrotfish - A male Parrotfish releasing sand from it's gills after eating coral to absorb the algae
VT-8714 Parrotfish - A male Parrotfish releasing sand from it's gills after eating coral to absorb the algae. Great Barrier Reef. Australia. Scarus sp

Background imageImages Dated 16th January 2006: Parrotfish - sleeping in the safety of its sand spotted mucus cocoon

Parrotfish - sleeping in the safety of its sand spotted mucus cocoon. The cocoon is made by inflating the mucus coating
VT-8719 Parrotfish - sleeping in the safety of its sand spotted mucus cocoon Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef. Scarus sp. The cocoon is made by inflating the mucus coating on the fishes scales

Background imageImages Dated 16th January 2006: Coypu / Nutria. Alsace - France

Coypu / Nutria. Alsace - France
WAT-11853 Coypu / Nutria Alsace - France Myocastor coypus M. Watson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 16th January 2006: Coypu / Nutria. Alsace - France

Coypu / Nutria. Alsace - France
WAT-11847 Coypu / Nutria Alsace - France Myocastor coypus M. Watson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 16th January 2006: Harris Antelope Squirrel - Also called Yuma Antelope Squirrel - Arizona - Found in southwestern

Harris Antelope Squirrel - Also called Yuma Antelope Squirrel - Arizona - Found in southwestern Arizona
CAN-2407 Harris Antelope Squirrel / Yuma Antelope Squirrel - On cactus. Arizona, USA Ammospermophilus harrisi Ammospermophilus harrisii John Cancalosi Please note that prints are for personal display

Background imageImages Dated 16th January 2006: Harris Antelope Squirrel / Yuma Antelope Squirrel - Nibbling on cactus - Found in southwestern

Harris Antelope Squirrel / Yuma Antelope Squirrel - Nibbling on cactus - Found in southwestern Arizona
CAN-2406 Harris Antelope Squirrel / Yuma Antelope Squirrel - Nibbling on cactus USA Ammospermophilus harrisi John Cancalosi Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageImages Dated 16th January 2006: Mourning Dove - On nest in Saguaro Cactus - The common wild dove - Eats seed-waste grain

Mourning Dove - On nest in Saguaro Cactus - The common wild dove - Eats seed-waste grain - fruits-insects - Plump
CAN-2392 Mourning Dove - On nest in Saguaro Cactus Arizona, USA Zenaida macroura John Cancalosi Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageImages Dated 16th January 2006: Harris / Yuma Antelope Squirrel - Found in southwestern Arizona

Harris / Yuma Antelope Squirrel - Found in southwestern Arizona and northwestern Mexico - Lives in low arid desert with
CAN-2380 Harris / Yuma Antelope Squirrel Arizona, USA Ammospermophilus harrisi John Cancalosi Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageImages Dated 16th January 2006: European Robin - in garden

European Robin - in garden
WAT-11855 European Robin - in garden Erithacus rubecula M. Watson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 16th January 2006: Great Tit - In flight with peanut in bill Lower Saxony, Germany

Great Tit - In flight with peanut in bill Lower Saxony, Germany
USH-1774 Great Tit - In flight with peanut in bill Lower Saxony, Germany Parus major Duncan Usher Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageImages Dated 16th January 2006: Bracket Fungus - arising from roots of Coniferous Trees New Forest, Hampshire, UK

Bracket Fungus - arising from roots of Coniferous Trees New Forest, Hampshire, UK
DAD-1411 Bracket Fungus - arising from roots of Coniferous Trees New Forest, Hampshire, UK Phaeolus schweinitzii David C Dixon Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

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