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Images Dated 23rd May 2006

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59 Items

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Crinoid Fossil - 'Sea Lilies' Triassic period 240 m. y. a. Northern Germany

Crinoid Fossil - "Sea Lilies" Triassic period 240 m. y. a. Northern Germany
KEL-1499 Crinoid Fossil - "Sea Lilies" Triassic period 240 m.y.a

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Iceland - crack in Earth's crust at point where Tectonic plates join

Iceland - crack in Earth's crust at point where Tectonic plates join
ROG-9142 Iceland - crack in Earth's crust at point where Tectonic plates join

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Wood horsetail (Equisetum sylvaticum) fertile fronds. Scotland

Wood horsetail (Equisetum sylvaticum) fertile fronds. Scotland
ROG-12430 Wood horsetail - fertile fronds. Scotland. UK Equisetum sylvaticum Bob Gibbons Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Bog rosemary (Andromeda polifolia) in flower. Uncommon in bogs, north Britain

Bog rosemary (Andromeda polifolia) in flower. Uncommon in bogs, north Britain
ROG-12485 Bog rosemary - in flower. Uncommon in bogs, north Britain Andromeda polifolia Bob Gibbons Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Picture No. 10755074

Picture No. 10755074
Arctic lichen (Cladonia stellaris) Date

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Green Veined White Butterfly - resting on Lily of the Valley flower - May - Cannock - England

Green Veined White Butterfly - resting on Lily of the Valley flower - May - Cannock - England
GUY-102 Green Veined White Butterfly resting on Lily of the Valley flower - May - Cannock - England Pieris napi Guy Rogers Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Picture No. 10755113

Picture No. 10755113
Bearberry - in flower (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) Date

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Phytosaur Fossil - late Triassic Arizona/ New Mexico, USA

Phytosaur Fossil - late Triassic Arizona/ New Mexico, USA
FG-8058 Phytosaur Fossil - late Triassic Arizona / New Mexico, USA. Nicrosaurus gregorii Phytosaurs were semi-aquatic archosaurs. They were widely distributed

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Euparkeria - Prehistoric Reconstruction, Triassic period. Length 1 m. sprints on hind legs

Euparkeria - Prehistoric Reconstruction, Triassic period. Length 1 m. sprints on hind legs
AH-83 Euparkeria - Prehistoric Reconstruction Triassic period. Length 1 m. sprints on hind legs. Arthur Hayward

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Mosasaur Aquatic Lizard Fossil - Triassic period Guizhou Prov. China

Mosasaur Aquatic Lizard Fossil - Triassic period Guizhou Prov. China
KEL-1498 Mosasaur Aquatic Lizard Fossil - Triassic period Guizhou Province, China Keichousaurus hui Ken Lucas

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Ammonite Fossil - Triassic period 248-213 m. y. a. Caen, France

Ammonite Fossil - Triassic period 248-213 m. y. a. Caen, France
KEL-1500 Ammonite Fossil - Triassic period 248-213 m.y.a. Caen, France Ken Lucas Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) in flower. Sweden

Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) in flower. Sweden
ROG-12500 Bearberry - in flower Sweden Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Bob Gibbons Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: chickweed-wintergreen (Trientalis europaea), Scotland

chickweed-wintergreen (Trientalis europaea), Scotland
ROG-12460 chickweed-wintergreen / Arctic starflower Scotland Trientalis europaea Bob Gibbons Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Marsh violet or bog violet (Viola palustris)amongst bog moss (Sphagnum)

Marsh violet or bog violet (Viola palustris)amongst bog moss (Sphagnum)
ROG-12511 Marsh violet or bog violet - amongst bog moss (Sphagnum) Rare in UK in bogs

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Scots Pine flowers (Pinus sylvestris)

Scots Pine flowers (Pinus sylvestris)
ROG-12379 Scots Pine flowers Pinus sylvestris Bob Gibbons Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway.

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Snowdrop windflower (Anemone sylvestris) in Sweden

Snowdrop windflower (Anemone sylvestris) in Sweden
ROG-12381 Snowdrop windflower / Anemone Sweden Anemone sylvestris Bob Gibbons Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway.

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Bird-hipped Dinosaur - late Triassic period, 205 m. y. a. South Africa

Bird-hipped Dinosaur - late Triassic period, 205 m. y. a. South Africa
KEL-1342 Bird-hipped DINOSAUR, Late Triassic Period, 205 m.y.a

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: King George Falls These falls are accessible only by boat

King George Falls These falls are accessible only by boat
DH-3807 King George Falls Kimberley coast, Western Australia. These falls are accessible only by boat. Sandstone rock walls. A popular tourist destination for sailors across the top end of Australia

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Canada - Flower Pot Rock, at low tide

Canada - Flower Pot Rock, at low tide
SR-6845A CANADA - eroded rock - Flower Pot Rock, at low tide

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Common Horsetail Olympic National Park

Common Horsetail Olympic National Park
JZ-419 Common Horsetail Olympic National Park, USA Equisetum arvense Jim Zipp Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Red Shoveler-swimming on lake, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear

Red Shoveler-swimming on lake, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear
USH-2187 Red / Argentinian Shoveler - swimming on lake Washington Wildfowl and Weltland Trust

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Guard dog - Spain - A hole in a wooden door of a farmhouse in the Alpujarras region is used by the housedogs as a

Guard dog - Spain - A hole in a wooden door of a farmhouse in the Alpujarras region is used by the housedogs as a
TD-1642 Guard dog - Spain - A hole in a wooden door of a farmhouse in the Alpujarras region is used by the housedogs as a look-out. Province of Granada, Andalucia, Spain

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Red Breasted Goose-feeding on field, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK

Red Breasted Goose-feeding on field, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK
USH-2193 Red-Breasted Goose - feeding on field Washington Wildfowl and Weltland Trust

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Ruddy Duck-drake, close-up study of head and bill, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK

Ruddy Duck-drake, close-up study of head and bill, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK
USH-2184 Ruddy Duck - drake, close-up study of head and bill Washington Wildfowl and Weltland Trust, Tyne and Wear Oxyura jamaicensis Dsit: North and South America, Mexico

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Masked Duck-drake courtship displaying on lake, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK

Masked Duck-drake courtship displaying on lake, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK
USH-2182 Masked Duck - drake courtship displaying on lake Washington Wildfowl and Weltland Trust, Tyne and Wear Nomonyx dominica Dist: North & South America

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Masked Duck-pair swimming on lake, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK

Masked Duck-pair swimming on lake, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK
USH-2181 Masked Duck - pair swimming on lake Washington Wildfowl and Weltland Trust, Tyne and Wear Nomonyx dominica Dist: North & South America

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Greylag Geese, Feral pigeons, Mallard-being fed in park, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK

Greylag Geese, Feral pigeons, Mallard-being fed in park, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK
USH-2070 Greylag Geese, Feral / Urban / Town / Rock Pigeons / Rock Dove, Mallard - being fed in park Washington Wildfowl and Weltland Trust, Tyne and Wear Anser anser Dist: North Europe, UK

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Red Fox

Red Fox
JZ-2325 Red Fox Vulpes vulpes Jim Zipp Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Red Fox

Red Fox
JZ-2324 Red Fox Vulpes vulpes Jim Zipp Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Red Fox

Red Fox
JZ-2323 Red Fox Vulpes vulpes Jim Zipp Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Red Fox

Red Fox
JZ-2322 Red Fox Vulpes vulpes Jim Zipp Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Least Flycatcher

Least Flycatcher
JZ-2278 Least Flycatcher USA Empidonax minimus Jim Zipp Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Least Flycatcher

Least Flycatcher
JZ-2277 Least Flycatcher USA Empidonax minimus Jim Zipp Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Golden-winged Warbler Connecticut, USA

Golden-winged Warbler Connecticut, USA
JZ-2253 Golden-winged Warbler Connecticut, USA Vermivora chrysoptera Jim Zipp Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Golden-winged Warbler Connecticut, USA

Golden-winged Warbler Connecticut, USA
JZ-2252 Golden-winged Warbler Connecticut, USA. Vermivora chrysoptera Jim Zipp Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Golden-winged Warbler Connecticut, USA

Golden-winged Warbler Connecticut, USA
JZ-2251 Golden-winged Warbler Connecticut, USA. Vermivora chrysoptera Jim Zipp Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Common Yellowthroat

Common Yellowthroat
JZ-2218 Common Yellowthroat USA Geothlypis trichas Jim Zipp Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Common Yellowthroat

Common Yellowthroat
JZ-2217 Common Yellowthroat USA Geothlypis trichas Jim Zipp Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Common Yellowthroat

Common Yellowthroat
JZ-2216 Common Yellowthroat USA Geothlypis trichas Jim Zipp Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Ruddy Turnstone. Search for food below shells and pebbles and in seaweed stranded on shore

Ruddy Turnstone. Search for food below shells and pebbles and in seaweed stranded on shore
ASW-4456 Ruddy Turnstone Dry Tortugas, USA Arenaria interpres Alan J. S. Weaving Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Magnificent Frigate Bird flying above Fort Jefferson

Magnificent Frigate Bird flying above Fort Jefferson
ASW-4451 Magnificent Frigatebird flying above Fort Jefferson Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida, USA. Fregata magnificens Alan J. S

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: American Redstart male in first spring plumage pursuing insects amongst seaweed along shoreline

American Redstart male in first spring plumage pursuing insects amongst seaweed along shoreline
ASW-4437 American Redstart male in first spring plumage pursuing insects amongst seaweed along shoreline Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida, USA. Setophaga ruticilla Alan J. S

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Eider Duck - female beside duckling in downt nest with eggs

Eider Duck - female beside duckling in downt nest with eggs
WAT-7389 Eider Duck - female beside duckling in down nest with eggs Somateria mollissima Distribution: United Kingdom, Europe and Scandinavia M

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Red-Crested Pochard-drake swimming on lake, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK

Red-Crested Pochard-drake swimming on lake, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK
USH-2192 Red-Crested Pochard - drake swimming on lake Washington Wildfowl and Weltland Trust, Tyne and Wear Netta rufina Dist: East Europe, Central Asia

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Red-Crested Pochard-4 drakes feeding on lake, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK

Red-Crested Pochard-4 drakes feeding on lake, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK
USH-2191 Red-Crested Pochard - 4 drakes feeding on lake Washington Wildfowl and Weltland Trust, Tyne and Wear Netta rufina Dist: East Europe, Central Asia

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Red-Crested Pochard-close-up study of drake's head, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK

Red-Crested Pochard-close-up study of drake's head, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK
USH-2190 Red-Crested Pochard - close - up study of drake's head Washington Wildfowl and Weltland Trust, Tyne and Wear Netta rufina Dist: East Europe, Central Asia

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Marbled Teal-pair swimming on lake, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear

Marbled Teal-pair swimming on lake, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear
USH-2183 Marbled Teal - pair swimming on lake Washington Wildfowl and Weltland Trust

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Black-necked Swan- parent bird transporting 2 cygnets on its back

Black-necked Swan- parent bird transporting 2 cygnets on its back
USH-2073 Black-necked Swan - parent bird transporting 2 cygnets on its back Washington Wildfowl and Weltland Trust, Tyne and Wear Cygnus melanocoryphus Dist: South of South America

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Black-necked Swan- parents with cygnets on lake, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK

Black-necked Swan- parents with cygnets on lake, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK
USH-2072 Black-necked Swan - parents with cygnets on lake, Washington Wildfowl and Weltland Trust, Tyne and Wear Cygnus melanocoryphus Dist: South of South America

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Chilean Flamingo-detailed study of neck and head, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK

Chilean Flamingo-detailed study of neck and head, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK
USH-2066 Chilean Flamingo - detailed study of neck and head Washington Wildfowl and Weltland Trust

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Chiloe Wigeon-drake swimming on lake, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK

Chiloe Wigeon-drake swimming on lake, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK
USH-2065 Chiloe Wigeon - drake swimming on lake Washington Wildfowl and Weltland Trust

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Coscorba Swan-swimming on lake, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK

Coscorba Swan-swimming on lake, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK
USH-2057 Coscorba Swan - swimming on lake Washington Wildfowl and Weltland Trust

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Bahama Pintail-flapping its wings on lake, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK

Bahama Pintail-flapping its wings on lake, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK
USH-2053 Bahama Pintail - flapping its wings on lake Washington Wildfowl and Weltland Trust, Tyne and Wear Anas bahamensis Dist: South American, Bahamas

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Bahama Pintail-swimming on lake, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK

Bahama Pintail-swimming on lake, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK
USH-2052 Bahama Pintail - swimming on lake Washington Wildfowl and Weltland Trust, Tyne and Wear Anas bahamensis Dist: South American, Bahamas

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: African Comb Duck-swimming on pond, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK

African Comb Duck-swimming on pond, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK
USH-2042 African Comb Duck - swimming on pond Washington Wildfowl and Weltland Trust, Tyne and Wear Sarkidiornis melanotos Dist: Africa, India, South America

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: African Comb Duck-detailed study of head, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK

African Comb Duck-detailed study of head, Washington WWT, Tyne and Wear UK
USH-2041 African Comb Duck - detailed study of head Washington Wildfowl and Weltland Trust, Tyne and Wear Sarkidiornis melanotos Dist: Africa, India, South America

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Giant Horsetail

Giant Horsetail
USH-1328 Giant / Great Horsetail - in flower

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Sweet Orange - Cultivation in the fertile Guadalhorce river valley; together with yellow-flowered annuals; in February

Sweet Orange - Cultivation in the fertile Guadalhorce river valley; together with yellow-flowered annuals; in February
TD-1620 Sweet Orange - Cultivation in the fertile Guadalhorce river valley; together with yellow-flowered annuals; in February Province of Malaga, Andalucia, Spain

Background imageImages Dated 23rd May 2006: Holm Oak - In the Sierra de Aracena

Holm Oak - In the Sierra de Aracena
TD-1664 Holm / Holly / Evergreen Oak - In the Sierra de Aracena, which is part of the vast Sierra Morena mountain range

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