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55 Items
Long-tailed Duck - in water - Westport CT - USA - OctJZ-3402 Long-tailed Duck - in water Westport CT - USA - Oct. Clangula hyemalis Jim Zipp Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Leaves of Acer Palmatum atropurpureum. Location - A west Sussex garden in November. UKDAD-1997 Leaves of Japanese Maple Location - A west Sussex garden in November. UK
Picture No. 10909312Borneo ironwood - Ulin (Eusideroxylon zwageri) Date
Autumn Full Moon - raising above forest skyline, Lower Saxony, GermanyUSH-3760 Autumn Full Moon - raising above forest skyline Lower Saxony, Germany Duncan Usher Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Picture No. 10909306Pasak Bumi - medicinal malaria plant (Eurycoma longifolia) Date
Picture No. 10783896Girl - riding pony in paddock Date
Picture No. 10909302Flask-shaped Pitcherplant (Nepenthes ampullaria) Date
Picture No. 10909301Flask-shaped Pitcherplant (Nepenthes ampullaria) Date
Picture No. 10909300Golden Gardenia (Gardenia carinata ) Date
Picture No. 10878383African Dusky Flycatcher (Muscicapa adusta) Date
Termites - carrying food. Tanjung Puting National Park - Kalimantan - Borneo - IndonesiaMAR-1481 Termites - carrying food. Tanjung Puting National Park - Kalimantan - Borneo - Indonesia Isoptera Thomas Marent
Global biodiesel sign on pump. The Green Shop garage Bisley near Stroud UKMAB-1079 Global biodiesel sign on pump The Green Shop garage Bisley near Stroud UK Mark Boulton
Old Lychgate - St Mary's Church - Painswick Cotswolds UKMAB-1087 Old Lychgate - St Mary's Church - Painswick Cotswolds UK Mark Boulton
Paint - Display of pots of Auro Natural Paint eco-friendly Green without compromiseMAB-1084 Paint - Display of pots of Auro Natural Paint eco-friendly Green without compromise Green Shop Bisley UK Mark Boulton
Motobike - Vectrix zero emission electric scooter for sale. Green Shop Bisley UKMAB-1085 Motobike - Vectrix zero emission electric scooter for sale Green Shop Bisley UK Mark Boulton
Termites - mass carrying food. Tanjung Puting National Park - Kalimantan - Borneo - IndonesiaMAR-1482 Termites - mass carrying food. Tanjung Puting National Park - Kalimantan - Borneo - Indonesia Isoptera Thomas Marent
Churchyard - Table top tombs - St Marys Church Painswick Cotswolds UKMAB-1095 Churchyard - Table top tombs - St Marys Church Painswick Cotswolds UK Mark Boulton
Termites - mass carrying food. Tanjung Puting National Park - Kalimantan - Borneo - IndonesiaMAR-1483 Termites - mass carrying food. Tanjung Puting National Park - Kalimantan - Borneo - Indonesia Isoptera Thomas Marent
The Malesian Frog / Peat Swamp Frog - Tanjung Puting National Park - Kalimantan - Borneo - IndonesiaMAR-1490 The Malesian Frog / Peat Swamp Frog Tanjung Puting National Park - Kalimantan - Borneo - Indonesia Limnonectes malesianus Thomas Marent
The Malesian Frog / Peat Swamp Frog - Tanjung Puting National Park - Kalimantan - Borneo - IndonesiaMAR-1491 The Malesian Frog / Peat Swamp Frog - Tanjung Puting National Park - Kalimantan - Borneo - Indonesia Limnonectes malesianus Thomas Marent
Swamp Cypress forest in Autumn - southern USAPM-10593 Swamp Cypress forest in Autumn southern USA Taxodium distichum Pat Morris
Termites - Tanjung Puting National Park - Kalimantan - Borneo - IndonesiaMAR-1480 Termites Tanjung Puting National Park - Kalimantan - Borneo - Indonesia Isoptera Thomas Marent
Tanks - Large yellow plastic Wisy rainwater storage tank. Green Shop Bisley UKMAB-1091 Tanks - Large yellow plastic Wisy rainwater storage tank Green Shop Bisley UK Mark Boulton
Pygmy Posy - Tanjung Puting National Park - Kalimantan - Borneo - IndonesiaMAR-1475 Pygmy Posy Tanjung Puting National Park - Kalimantan - Borneo - Indonesia Drupadia rufotaenia Thomas Marent
Grain-growing country - sparsely overgrown grain fieldSAS-1550 Grain-growing country - sparsely overgrown grain field
Grain-growing country - detail of a very sparsely overgrown grain fieldSAS-1552 Grain-growing country - detail of a very sparsely overgrown grain field
Grain-growing country - very sparsely overgrown grain field as far as the eye can seeSAS-1553 Grain-growing country - very sparsely overgrown grain field as far as the eye can see
Grain-growing country - sparsely overgrown grain field as far as the eye can seeSAS-1551 Grain-growing country - sparsely overgrown grain field as far as the eye can see
Pakistan - apricots drying in Altit Village Karimabad, PakistanWAT-6594 Pakistan - apricots drying in Altit Village Karimabad, Pakistan. M. Watson
Butcher's Broom Ruscus aculeatus in flower and fruit, autumn; New Forest, HantsROG-13355 Butcher's Broom - in flower and fruit, autumn; New Forest, Hants
Wild Clematis or Old Man's Beard Clematis vitalba in autumnROG-13354 Wild Clematis or Old Man's Beard in autumn, showing fruit and leaves. Dorset
Japanese maple leaves against the light - surviving into NovemberDAD-1976 Japanese maple leaves against the light - surviving into November Sheffield Park in early November. UK. Acer sp
Black-crowned Waxbill - Nyungwe - Rwanda - AfricaMM-124 Black-crowned Waxbill Nyungwe - Rwanda - Africa Estrilda nonnula Michele Menegon Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Fieldfare - flock flying from Hawthorn bush later winter, Breckland, Norfolk, U. KCK-4585 Fieldfare - flock flying from Hawthorn bush later winter Breckland, Norfolk, U.K
Fieldfare - group perched and on alert in Hawthorn bush. Breckland Norfolk UKCK-4602 Fieldfare - group perched and on alert in Hawthorn bush Breckland Norfolk UK Turdus pilaris Chris Knights Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only
Pakistan Hunza Valley, Karakorum HighwayWAT-6590 Pakistan - with river Hunza Valley, Karakorum Highway M. Watson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway.
Pakistan Karakorum HighwayWAT-5547 Pakistan Karakorum Highway M. Watson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway.
Pakistan Karakorum Highway, Indus River, ChilasWAT-6592 Pakistan Karakorum Highway, Indus River, Chilas M. Watson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway.
Pakistan - Rakaposhi Mountain Karimabad, Hunza Valley, PakistanWAT-6580 Pakistan - Rakaposhi Mountain Karimabad, Hunza Valley, Pakistan. M. Watson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway.
Namibia - just after dawn Fish River Canyon, Southern Namibia, AfricaCOS-493 Namibia - just after dawn Fish River Canyon, Southern Namibia, Africa. Bill Coster Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway
Warthog - AfricaPM-10496 Warthog - Africa Phacochoerus sp. Pat Morris Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Dwarf American Toad - United States: Arizona, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, MissouriPM-10476 Dwarf American Toad United States: Arizona, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri
Cottonmouth Snake - found in or near water in Eastern USAPM-10468 Cottonmouth Snake found in or near water in Eastern USA, the world's only aquatic viper. Highly venomous
Dusky Pigmy Rattlesnake - southeastern United StatesPM-10464 Dusky Pigmy Rattlesnake southeastern United States
Gaboon Viper - West African forestsPM-10460 Gaboon Viper West African forests. Bitis gabonica venomous Pat Morris Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Young Caiman at the surface showing different refractive index above and below waterPM-10458 Young Caiman at the surface showing different refractive index above and below water. Caiman sp
Gray Peacock Pheasant - widespread Himalayas eastwards to China, Thailand and VietnamPM-10395 Gray Peacock Pheasant - widespread Himalayas eastwards to China
Long-tailed Duck - in flight - Westport CT - USA - NovJZ-3403 Long-tailed Duck - in flight Westport CT - USA - Nov Clangula hyemalis Jim Zipp Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Dunlin, Calidris alpina in winter plumage. November in CTJZ-3293 Dunlin, in winter plumage. November in CT, USA Calidris alpina Jim Zipp Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Black-bellied Plover, Pluvialis squatarola in winter plumage. CT in NovemberJZ-3271 Black-bellied Plover - in winter plumage. CT in November, USA Pluvialis squatarola Jim Zipp Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Black-bellied Plover, Pluvialis squatarola in winter plumage with Ruddy TurnstonesJZ-3270 Black-bellied Plover - in winter plumage with Ruddy Turnstones
Namibia - Quiver / Kokerboom tree (Aloe dichotoma) Fish River Canyon, Namibia, AfricaPS-3351 Namibia - Quiver / Kokerboom tree (Aloe dichotoma) Fish River Canyon, Namibia, Africa
Harp Seal - pupFG-6726 HARP SEAL - pup lying on ice Phoca groenlandica Francois Gohier Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Red DeerSM-2201 Red Deer - male in rutting season roaring Cervus elaphus Stefan Meyers Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Grey Squirrel - eating chilli covered bird seed in Oxford Garden NovemberRES-817 Grey Squirrel - eating chilli covered bird seed Oxford, UK Sciurus carolinensis Chilli is used as squirrel deterrent, birds cannot taste the heat from the chilli