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25 Items
Picture No. 11808749Kangia Boat Fishing Boat used for tourist tours with icebergs Ilulissat, Greenland Date
Picture No. 10899059Black Guillemot / Tystie (Cepphus grylle) Date
River Otter - Wyoming - USACAN-4200 River Otter Wyoming - USA Lutra canadensis John Cancalosi Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway.
Picture No. 10761969Sociable Weavers Nest - huge communal nest at a telephone pole at the N10 road (Philetairus socius) Date
Picture No. 11808737Kangia Boat Fishing Boat used for tourist tours with icebergs at sunset Ilulissat, Greenland Date
Picture No. 10899060Black Guillemot / Tystie (Cepphus grylle) Date
Picture No. 10899061Black Guillemot / Tystie (Cepphus grylle) Date
Nipplewort - flowers - Lower Saxony - GermanyUSH-4852 Nipplewort - flowers Lower Saxony - Germany Lapsana communis Duncan Usher
Elecampane / Horse-heal ; commonly naturalised medicinal plant. DorsetROG-14083 Elecampane / Horse-heal commonly naturalised medicinal plant. Dorset. UK Inula helenium Bob Gibbons
Betony, Stachys officinalis = Betonica in meadow, DorsetROG-14084 Betony, in meadow Dorset. UK Stachys officinalis Bob Gibbons
Crane's-bill - flower - garden cultivar - Lower Saxony - GermanyUSH-4833 Crane's-bill - flower - garden cultivar Lower Saxony - Germany Geranium sp. Duncan Usher
Woolly Thistle - in flower, on limestone, DorsetROG-14088 Woolly Thistle - in flower, on limestone Dorset. UK Cirsium eriophorum Bob Gibbons
Wild Marjoram - wild herb, on calcareous soils, DorsetROG-14087 Wild Marjoram - wild herb, on calcareous soils Dorset. UK Origanum vulgare Bob Gibbons
Hoary Ragwort - in flower; DorsetROG-14086 Hoary Ragwort - in flower Dorset. Senecio erucifolius Bob Gibbons
Water Mint - in flower. DorsetROG-14085 Water Mint - in flower Dorset. Mentha aquatica Bob Gibbons
River Otter - swimming - Wyoming - USACAN-4199 River Otter - swimming Wyoming - USA Lutra canadensis John Cancalosi
River Otter - sleeping on log - Wyoming - USACAN-4197 River Otter - sleeping on log Wyoming - USA Lutra canadensis John Cancalosi
River Otter - two together - Wyoming - USACAN-4198 River Otter - two together Wyoming - USA Lutra canadensis John Cancalosi
American Bison - male in rut crossing road with traffic - Yellowstone National Park - Wyoming - USACAN-4406 American Bison - male in rut crossing road with traffic Yellowstone National Park - Wyoming - USA Bison bison John Cancalosi
Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly - feeding on Hawkweed flower - Lower Saxony - GermanyUSH-4880 Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly - feeding on Hawkweed flower Lower Saxony - Germany Aglais urticae Duncan Usher Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only
Peacock Butterfly - feeding on garden flower - Lower Saxony - GermanyUSH-4875 Peacock Butterfly - feeding on garden flower Lower Saxony - Germany Inachis io Duncan Usher Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only
Hoverfly - feeding on flower in garden - Lower Saxony - GermanyUSH-4872 Hoverfly - feeding on flower in garden Lower Saxony - Germany Episyrphus balteatus Duncan Usher Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only
Wolf Spider - where the female guards the eggs and young; on nest. DorsetROG-14082 Wolf Spider - where the female guards the eggs and young; on nest. Dorset
Nipplewort - flowers - Lower Saxony - GermanyUSH-4851 Nipplewort - flowers Lower Saxony - Germany Lapsana communis Duncan Usher Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Old Lady - resting on fence - Lincolnshire - EnglandGET-2154 Old Lady - resting on fence Lincolnshire - England Mormo maura Geoff Trinder Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.