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Images Dated 9th January 2010

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44 Items

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Wren - Single adult bird with ring on leg. England, UK

Wren - Single adult bird with ring on leg. England, UK
DK-232 Wren - Single adult bird with ring on leg England, UK Troglodytes troglodytes David Kilbey Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Robin - Single adult robin perching in the snow. England, UK

Robin - Single adult robin perching in the snow. England, UK
DK-227 Robin - Single adult robin perching in the snow England, UK Erithacus rubecula David Kilbey Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Picture No. 10877609

Picture No. 10877609
Snow blowing off the cliffs of the Seven Sisters ( ) Date

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Robin - in snow - UK

Robin - in snow - UK
DAC-1386 Robin - in snow UK Erithacus rubecula David Chapman Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Picture No. 11072646

Picture No. 11072646
Song Thrush perched on a stone Allariz, Galicia, Spain

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Picture No. 10877608

Picture No. 10877608
Snow blowing off the cliffs near the Seven Sisters Date

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Robin - in snow on garden fork - UK

Robin - in snow on garden fork - UK
DAC-1387 Robin - in snow on garden fork UK Erithacus rubecula David Chapman Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Blackbird - female - snow - winter - UK

Blackbird - female - snow - winter - UK
DAC-540 Blackbird - female - snow - winter UK Turdus merula David Chapman Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Starling - in snow - Cornwall - UK

Starling - in snow - Cornwall - UK
DAC-456 Starling - in snow Cornwall - UK Sturnus vulgaris David Chapman Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Robin - in snow - Winter - UK

Robin - in snow - Winter - UK
DAC-664 Robin - in snow - Winter UK Erithacus rubecula David Chapman Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway.

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Red Deer - buck in snowfall - Germany

Red Deer - buck in snowfall - Germany
SM-2498 Red Deer - buck in snowfall Germany Cervus elaphus Stefan Meyers Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: European Lynx - in snow - Germany

European Lynx - in snow - Germany
SM-2486 European Lynx - in snow Germany Lynx lynx Stefan Meyers Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: European Robin - perched on spade handle in snow - Woodmancote - Cotswolds - UK

European Robin - perched on spade handle in snow - Woodmancote - Cotswolds - UK
MAB-1384 European Robin - perched on spade handle in snow Woodmancote - Cotswolds - UK Erithacus rubecula Mark Boulton Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: European Robin - perched on spade handle in snow - Woodmancote - Cotswolds - UK

European Robin - perched on spade handle in snow - Woodmancote - Cotswolds - UK
MAB-1387 European Robin - perched on spade handle in snow Woodmancote - Cotswolds - UK Erithacus rubecula Mark Boulton Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: European Robin - perched on spade handle in snow - Cotswolds - UK

European Robin - perched on spade handle in snow - Cotswolds - UK
MAB-1386 European Robin - perched on spade handle in snow Cotswolds - UK Erithacus rubecula Mark Boulton Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Great Tit - in snow

Great Tit - in snow
DAC-14 Great Tit - in snow Parus major David Chapman Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Robin - in winter snow - Cornwall - UK

Robin - in winter snow - Cornwall - UK
DAC-355 Robin - in winter snow Cornwall - UK Erithacus rubecula David Chapman Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Robin - in winter snow - Cornwall - UK

Robin - in winter snow - Cornwall - UK
DAC-354 Robin - in winter snow Cornwall - UK Erithacus rubecula David Chapman Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Red legged Partridge - running in snow - Bedfordshire UK 8928

Red legged Partridge - running in snow - Bedfordshire UK 8928
BB-2066 Red-legged Partridge - running in snow Bedfordshire UK Alectoris rufa Brian Bevan Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Blackcap - female - in the snow

Blackcap - female - in the snow
DAC-1 Blackcap - female - in the snow Sylvia atricapilla David Chapman Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Blackcap - female - in the snow

Blackcap - female - in the snow
DAC-2 Blackcap - female - in the snow Sylvia atricapilla David Chapman Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Blackbird - male feeding on apples in snow Turdus merula Essex, UK BI019385

Blackbird - male feeding on apples in snow Turdus merula Essex, UK BI019385
COS-2930 Blackbird - male feeding on apples in snow Essex, UK Turdus merula Bill Coster Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Wood Pigeon - small flock in flight - Bedfordshire UK 8935

Wood Pigeon - small flock in flight - Bedfordshire UK 8935
BB-2067 Wood Pigeon - small flock in flight Bedfordshire UK Columba palumbus Brian Bevan Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Mute Swan - Single adult bird resting on snow covered bank. England, UK

Mute Swan - Single adult bird resting on snow covered bank. England, UK
DK-225 Mute Swan - Single adult bird resting on snow covered bank England, UK Cygnus olor David Kilbey Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Mallard - Single adult drake on trying to feed on snow covered lake edge. England, UK

Mallard - Single adult drake on trying to feed on snow covered lake edge. England, UK
DK-224 Mallard - Single adult drake on trying to feed on snow covered lake edge England, UK Anas platyrhynchos David Kilbey Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Black-headed Gull - flock of black headed gulls in flight at sundown - England, UK

Black-headed Gull - flock of black headed gulls in flight at sundown - England, UK
DK-223 Black-headed Gull - flock of black headed gulls in flight at sundown England, UK Larus ridibundus David Kilbey Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Starling - A large flock of starlings coming in to roost photographed with a long exposure

Starling - A large flock of starlings coming in to roost photographed with a long exposure. England, UK
DK-231 Starling - A large flock of starlings coming in to roost photographed with a long exposure England, UK Sturnus vulgaris David Kilbey Please note that prints are for personal display purposes

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: American Wigeon - Single adult drake resting in the snow

American Wigeon - Single adult drake resting in the snow
DK-219 American Wigeon - Single adult drake resting in the snow England, UK Anas americana David Kilbey Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Bewick's Swan - Close up portrait of head and neck against snow. England, UK

Bewick's Swan - Close up portrait of head and neck against snow. England, UK
DK-221 Bewick's Swan - Close up portrait of head and neck against snow England, UK Cygnus columbianus David Kilbey Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Black-headed Gull - flock of black headed gulls in flight at sundown. England, UK

Black-headed Gull - flock of black headed gulls in flight at sundown. England, UK
DK-222 Black-headed Gull - flock of black headed gulls in flight at sundown England, UK Larus ridibundus David Kilbey Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Starling - A large flock of starlings coming in to roost. England, UK

Starling - A large flock of starlings coming in to roost. England, UK
DK-230 Starling - A large flock of starlings coming in to roost. England, UK Sturnus vulgaris David Kilbey Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Bewick's Swan - single adult bird swimming along narrow unfrozen channel of lake. England, UK

Bewick's Swan - single adult bird swimming along narrow unfrozen channel of lake. England, UK
DK-220 Bewick's Swan - single adult bird swimming along narrow unfrozen channel of lake England, UK Cygnus columbianus David Kilbey Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Ruddy Shelduck - Pair of adult birds resting on the surface of a snow covered, frozen lake

Ruddy Shelduck - Pair of adult birds resting on the surface of a snow covered, frozen lake
DK-228 Ruddy Shelduck - Pair of adult birds resting on the surface of a snow covered frozen lake England, UK Tadorna ferruginea David Kilbey Please note that prints are for personal display purposes

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Eastern Bluebird - male eating Holly berries in winter. January in Connecticut, USA

Eastern Bluebird - male eating Holly berries in winter. January in Connecticut, USA
JZ-3719 Eastern Bluebird - male eating Holly berries in winter January in Connecticut, USA Sialia sialis Jim Zipp Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Starling - A large flock of starlings coming in to roost against sunset. England, UK

Starling - A large flock of starlings coming in to roost against sunset. England, UK
DK-229 Starling - A large flock of starlings coming in to roost against sunset. England, UK. Sturnus vulgaris David Kilbey Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Northern Pintail - Two drakes fighting due to cramped conditions on a small patch of unfrozen

Northern Pintail - Two drakes fighting due to cramped conditions on a small patch of unfrozen water. England, UK
DK-226 Northern Pintail - Two drakes fighting due to cramped conditions on a small patch of unfrozen water England, UK Anas acuta David Kilbey Please note that prints are for personal display

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Fieldfare - feeding on apples in snow - Essex, UK BI019349

Fieldfare - feeding on apples in snow - Essex, UK BI019349
COS-2880 Fieldfare - feeding on apples in snow Essex, UK Turdus pilaris Bill Coster Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: Fiscal Flycatcher - female with immature on left - Endemic in South Africa, occurring in woodland

Fiscal Flycatcher - female with immature on left - Endemic in South Africa, occurring in woodland, thickets
ASW-4802 Fiscal Flycatcher - female with immature on left - Endemic in South Africa, occurring in woodland, thickets, scrub and gardens. Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, South Africa

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: African / Blue-billed Firefinch - at birdbath. Feeds on seeds and insects

African / Blue-billed Firefinch - at birdbath. Feeds on seeds and insects
ASW-4793 African / Blue-billed Firefinch - at birdbath. Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, South Africa Lagonosticta rubricata Endemic in Africa Alan J. S

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: European Robin - perched on spade handle in snow - Woodmancote Cotswolds - UK

European Robin - perched on spade handle in snow - Woodmancote Cotswolds - UK
MAB-1279 European Robin - perched on spade handle in snow Woodmancote Cotswolds - UK Erithacus rubecula Mark Boulton Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: European Robin - perched on spade handle in snow - Woodmancote Cotswolds - UK

European Robin - perched on spade handle in snow - Woodmancote Cotswolds - UK
MAB-1283 European Robin - perched on spade handle in snow Woodmancote Cotswolds - UK Erithacus rubecula Mark Boulton Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: European Robin - perched on spade handle in snow - Woodmancote Cotswolds - UK

European Robin - perched on spade handle in snow - Woodmancote Cotswolds - UK
MAB-1277 European Robin - perched on spade handle in snow Woodmancote Cotswolds - UK Erithacus rubecula Mark Boulton Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: European Robin - perched on spade handle in snow - Woodmancote Cotswolds - UK

European Robin - perched on spade handle in snow - Woodmancote Cotswolds - UK
MAB-1276 European Robin - perched on spade handle in snow Woodmancote Cotswolds - UK Erithacus rubecula Mark Boulton Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageImages Dated 9th January 2010: European Robin - perched on spade handle in snow - Woodmancote Cotswolds - UK

European Robin - perched on spade handle in snow - Woodmancote Cotswolds - UK
MAB-1278 European Robin - perched on spade handle in snow Woodmancote Cotswolds - UK Erithacus rubecula Mark Boulton Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

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