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Images Dated 18th June 2010

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69 Items

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90039770

Eastern Cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus), small game mammal, Eastern Wyoming, USA. Date: 18/06/2010

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90039772

American Bison Buffalo (Bison bison), male, Durham Ranch, Campbell County, Wyoming, USA. Date: 18/06/2010

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: American Red Squirrel - eating a nut - June - Connecticut - USA

American Red Squirrel - eating a nut - June - Connecticut - USA
JZ-3924 American Red Squirrel - eating a nut June - Connecticut - USA Tamiasciurus hudsonicus Jim Zipp Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: Meerkat / Suricate - Wildlife Park Combe Martin Devon UK

Meerkat / Suricate - Wildlife Park Combe Martin Devon UK
MAB-1326 Meerkat / Suricate Wildlife Park Combe Martin Devon UK Suricata suricatta Mark Boulton Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: Meerkat / Suricate - Wildlife Park Combe Martin Devon UK

Meerkat / Suricate - Wildlife Park Combe Martin Devon UK
MAB-1324 Meerkat / Suricate Wildlife Park Combe Martin Devon UK Suricata suricatta Mark Boulton Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90039771

American Bison Buffalo (Bison bison), male, Durham Ranch, Campbell County, Wyoming, USA. Date: 18/06/2010

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90038655

Southern Elephant Seal (Mirounga leonina) bull bellowing on Sea Lion Island, south of mainland, Falkland Islands Date: 18/06/2010

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90038656

King Penguin (Aptenodytes p. patagonica), Saunders Island, Falkland Islands. Date: 18/06/2010

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90038654

Southern Elephant Seal (Mirounga leonina) Bull on Sea Lion Island, south of mainland, east Falkland Island, Falkland Islands. Date: 18/06/2010

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90038653

Southern Elephant Seal (Mirounga leonina) female resting on Sea Lion Island, south of mainland, east Falkland Island, Falkland Islands. Date: 18/06/2010

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90038652

Southern Elephant Seal (Mirounga leonina) female resting on Sea Lion Island, south of mainland, east Falkland Island, Falkland Islands. Date: 18/06/2010

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90038607

Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas agassisi), Galapagos Islands, Ecuador Date: 18/06/2010

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90038608

Captive Tapichalaca Tree Frog (Hyloscirtus tapichalaca), Tapichalaca Biological Reserve, Zamora-Chinchipe, Ecuador Date: 18/06/2010

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90038606

Greater or Caribbean Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber), Bachas Beach, north Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, South America. Date: 18/06/2010

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90038605

Red-footed booby (Sula sula websteri) sitting on a branch, Tower (Genovesa) Island, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. The birds are found in only 5 main colonies in the islands. Date: 18/06/2010

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90038604

Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas agassisi), Central Isles, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, South America. Turtles must swim to shore in order to breed. Date: 18/06/2010

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90038603

Waved albatross (Phoebastria irrorata), Espa

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90038602

Waved albatross (Phoebastria irrorata), Espa

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90038600

South America, Ecuador, western slope of the Andes, Cloud forest, San Isidro, forest vegetation. Date: 18/06/2010

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90038601

Crimson-rumped Toucanet bird (Aulacorhynchus haematopygus), captive, Andes, Ecuador, South America. Date: 18/06/2010

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90038597

Waved Albatross (Phoebastria irrorata) with egg / Punta Cevallos, Espanola Island, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador Date: 18/06/2010

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90038599

Western slope of the Andes, forest vegetation, San Isidro, Ecuador Date: 18/06/2010

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90038598

Galapagos Shark (Carcharhinus galapagensis) off of Wolf Island, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, South America. Date: 18/06/2010

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90038596

Waved Albatross (Phoebastria irrorata), close up, Punta Cevallos, Espa

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90038595

Waved Albatross (Phoebastria irrorata) on a cliff during the day. Punta Cevallos, Espa

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90038594

Waved Albatross (Phoebastria irrorata), Punta Cevallos, Espa

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90038593

Swallow-tailed Gull (Larus furcatus) Punto Cevallos, Espa

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90038592

Galapagos Giant Tortoises (Geochelone elephantophus vandenburghi) near the Alcedo Volcano crater floor, Isabela IslandGalapagos Islands, Ecuador. One of 11 sub-species surviving in the islands

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90038591

Galapagos Giant Tortoise (Geochelone elephantophus vandenburghi) near Alcedo Volcano crater floor, Isabela Island, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. Date: 18/06/2010

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90038590

Galapagos Giant Tortoise (Geochelone elephantophus vandenburghi) on rim of volcano. Alcedo Volcano, Isabela Island, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. One of 11 sub-species surviving in the islands

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90038589

Forest vegetation in the Western Slope of the Andes Cloud Forest. Mindo Cloud Forest, Ecuador, South America. Date: 18/06/2010

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90038255

Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Paqueta Island, Seaview of the strand Date: 16/06/2006

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90037371

Captive Anole Lizard (Anolis princeps), Ecuador Date: 17/06/2006

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90037369

Striated Caracara or Johnny Rook (Phalcoboenus australis) obtain much of their food by attacking other seabirds. They also take goslings, young penguins and eggs of penguins and geese

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90037370

A captive Anole Lizard (polychrotidae, Anolis princeps) Occidental, West Ecuador. Date: 17/06/2006

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90037368

Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus), during spring snow storm, Wyoming, USA. Date: 17/06/2006

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90035842

Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber), captive in Slimbridge Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, southwest England. Date: 17/06/2006

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90035841

Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber), captive in Slimbridge Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, southwest England. Date: 17/06/2006

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90035838

A captive Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), Slimbridge Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, south west England. Date: 17/06/2006

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90035837

A captive Andean Goose (Chloephaga Melanoptera), Slimbridge Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, south west England. Date: 18/06/2010

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90029249

France, Sept Forges, barrels in the cellar of Patrick Boisgontier Date: 16/06/2006

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90029248

France, Briouze, Gillot Dairy, production of camembert cheese, drying room Date: 16/06/2006

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90029247

France, Briouze, Gillot Dairy, production of camembert cheese Date: 16/06/2006

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90029246

France, Briouze, Gillot Dairy, production of camembert cheese Date: 16/06/2006

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90026179

Australian pelican (Pelecanus conspicillatus), North Stradbroke Island off Queensland coast, Australia. Date: 17/06/2006

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90026178

Eastern Grey Kangaroo (Macropus giganteus) jumping, Queensland, Australia Date: 17/06/2006

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90026177

Australian pelican (Pelecanus conspicillatus) North Stradbroke Island, off Queensland coast, Australia. Date: 17/06/2006

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90026176

Australian Brush-turkey (Alectura lathami) or scrub turkey, Brisbane. Queensland, Australia. Date: 17/06/2006

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90026175

Laughing kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae), North Stradbroke Island, Queensland coast, Australia. Date: 17/06/2006

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90025812

Turkmenistan, Merv, ruined structure of the central settlement of Gonur-Depeh in ancient Merv, the oldest and best-preserved of the oasis-cities along the Silk Route in Central Asia. Date: 16/06/2006

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: DDE-90024228

Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) family: Ailuropodidae. Wolong China Conservation and Research Center, Wolong Reserve Center, Sichuan Province, China. Date: 18/06/2010

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: Meerkat / Suricate - holding a bunch of roses Digital Manipulation: flowers (Su) - background

Meerkat / Suricate - holding a bunch of roses Digital Manipulation: flowers (Su) - background
MAB-1324-m-c Meerkat / Suricate - holding a bunch of roses Suricata suricatta Mark Boulton Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway.

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: Picture No. 10884103

Picture No. 10884103
Peppered Moth - resting on trunk of birch tree (Biston betularia) Date

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: Picture No. 10884075

Picture No. 10884075
Swallow prominent Moth - resting on birch trunk (Pheosia tremula) Date

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: Picture No. 10983475

Picture No. 10983475
Black Stork - adult at night perched on a rock Salamanca, Castilla y Leon, Spain (Ciconia nigra) Date

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: Prehistoric Reconstruction - close up head of Tyrannosaurus Rex - an extinct carnivorous therpod - Wildlife Park

Prehistoric Reconstruction - close up head of Tyrannosaurus Rex - an extinct carnivorous therpod - Wildlife Park
MAB-1403 Prehistoric Reconstruction - close up head of Tyrannosaurus Rex - an extinct carnivorous therpod Wildlife Park - Combe Martin - Devon - UK Tyrannosaurus rex Mark Boulton

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: Prehistoric Reconstruction - Head of Dilophosaurus a theropod dinosaur Wildlife Park Combe Martin Devon UK

Prehistoric Reconstruction - Head of Dilophosaurus a theropod dinosaur Wildlife Park Combe Martin Devon UK
MAB-1352 Prehistoric Reconstruction - Head of Dilophosaurus a theropod dinosaur Wildlife Park Combe Martin Devon UK Mark Boulton

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: Prehistoric Reconstruction - Head of Dilophosaurus a theropod dinosaur Wildlife Park Combe Martin Devon UK

Prehistoric Reconstruction - Head of Dilophosaurus a theropod dinosaur Wildlife Park Combe Martin Devon UK
MAB-1351 Prehistoric Reconstruction - Head of Dilophosaurus a theropod dinosaur Wildlife Park Combe Martin Devon UK Mark Boulton

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: Prehistoric Reconstruction - close up head of Tyrannosaurus Rex - an extinct carnivorous therpod - Wildlife Park

Prehistoric Reconstruction - close up head of Tyrannosaurus Rex - an extinct carnivorous therpod - Wildlife Park
MAB-1402 Prehistoric Reconstruction - close up head of Tyrannosaurus Rex - an extinct carnivorous therpod Wildlife Park - Combe Martin - Devon - UK Tyrannosaurus rex Mark Boulton

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: Prehistoric Reconstruction - close up head of Tyrannosaurus Rex - an extinct carnivorous therpod - Wildlife Park

Prehistoric Reconstruction - close up head of Tyrannosaurus Rex - an extinct carnivorous therpod - Wildlife Park
MAB-1404 Prehistoric Reconstruction - close up head of Tyrannosaurus Rex - an extinct carnivorous therpod Wildlife Park - Combe Martin - Devon - UK Tyrannosaurus rex Mark Boulton

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: Burnished Brass Moth - on branch with lichens - Lincolnshire - England

Burnished Brass Moth - on branch with lichens - Lincolnshire - England
GET-2262 Burnished Brass Moth - on branch with lichens Lincolnshire - England Diachrysia chrysitis Geoff Trinder

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: Peppered Moth - resting on trunk of birch tree - Lincolnshire - England

Peppered Moth - resting on trunk of birch tree - Lincolnshire - England
GET-2287 Peppered Moth - resting on trunk of birch tree Lincolnshire - England Biston betularia Geoff Trinder

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: Peppered Moths - normal and black form - resting on trunk of birch tree - Lincolnshire - England

Peppered Moths - normal and black form - resting on trunk of birch tree - Lincolnshire - England
GET-2288 Peppered Moths - normal and black form - resting on trunk of birch tree Lincolnshire - England Biston betularia Geoff Trinder

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: Raccoon - in garden searching for food - Hessen - Germany

Raccoon - in garden searching for food - Hessen - Germany
USH-4900 Raccoon - in garden searching for food Hessen - Germany Procyon lotor Duncan Usher Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: Redstart - two fledgelings sitting on roof beam - Hessen - Germany

Redstart - two fledgelings sitting on roof beam - Hessen - Germany
USH-4773 Redstart - two fledgelings sitting on roof beam Hessen - Germany Phoenicurus ochruros Duncan Usher Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: Red Necked Wallaby - Albino - Wildlife Park - Combe Martin - Devon - UK

Red Necked Wallaby - Albino - Wildlife Park - Combe Martin - Devon - UK
MAB-1408 Red Necked Wallaby - Albino Wildlife Park - Combe Martin - Devon - UK Macropus rufgriseus Mark Boulton Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: Meerkat / Suricate - lying on back - Wildlife Park - Combe Martin - Devon - UK

Meerkat / Suricate - lying on back - Wildlife Park - Combe Martin - Devon - UK
MAB-1376 Meerkat / Suricate - lying on back Wildlife Park - Combe Martin - Devon - UK Suricata suricatta Mark Boulton Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: Meerkat / Suricate - Wildlife Park Combe Martin Devon UK

Meerkat / Suricate - Wildlife Park Combe Martin Devon UK
MAB-1323 Meerkat / Suricate Wildlife Park Combe Martin Devon UK Suricata suricatta Mark Boulton Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway

Background imageImages Dated 18th June 2010: Meerkat / Suricate - Wildlife Park Combe Martin Devon UK

Meerkat / Suricate - Wildlife Park Combe Martin Devon UK
MAB-1325 Meerkat / Suricate Wildlife Park Combe Martin Devon UK Suricata suricatta Mark Boulton Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway

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