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86 Items
Humbug Snail - on green leaf, UKSPH-1347 White-lipped Banded SNAIL / Humbug Snail - on green leaf UK Cepaea hortensis Steve Hopkin Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Coconut Palm - Palm Trees along shoreline - Puerto RicoWAT-7345 COCONUT Palm - Palm Trees along shoreline Puerto Rico M. Watson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Picture No. 10879827Duck Decoy with 8 pipes at Lakenheath Suffolk Date
Bastard Quiver Tree - Richtersveld National Park, South AfricaVAN-14 Aloe pillansii / Bastard Quiver Tree Richtersveld National Park
Picture No. 10885359Sanderling (Calidris alba) Date
Picture No. 10892800Indian Rhinoceros - with Egret on back (Rhinoceros unicornis) Date
Picture No. 10892801Indian Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) Date
Picture No. 10892799Indian Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) Date
Toxic Sea Urchin - IndonesiaLEE-179 Toxic Sea Urchin Indonesia Asthenosoma ijimai Lea Lee Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway.
Bennett's Toby - IndonesiaLEE-175 Bennett's Toby Indonesia Canthigaster bennetti Lea Lee Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway.
Scraweled Filefish - eye - IndonesiaLEE-174 Scraweled Filefish - eye Indonesia Aluterus scriptus Lea Lee Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway.
Hermit Crab - IndonesiaLEE-176 Hermit Crab Indonesia Lea Lee
Isopod - on a Cardinalfish (Apogon apogonidae) - IndonesiaLEE-189 Isopod - on a Cardinalfish (Apogon apogonidae) Indonesia Nerocila sp. Lea Lee
Map Puffer - eye - IndonesiaLEE-173 Map Puffer - eye Indonesia Arothron mappa Lea Lee
Red Spotted Coral Crab - IndonesiaLEE-190 Red Spotted Coral Crab Indonesia Trapezia rufopunctata Lea Lee
Black-saddled Toby - juvenile - IndonesiaLEE-172 Black-saddled Toby - juvenile Indonesia Canthigaster valentini Lea Lee
Chlamydatus Moray Eel - IndonesiaLEE-177 Chlamydatus Moray Eel Indonesia Gymnothorax chlamydatus Lea Lee
Red Coral Crab - IndonesiaLEE-184 Red Coral Crab Indonesia Carpilius convexus Lea Lee
Coleman Shrimp - on Sea Urchin - IndonesiaLEE-178 Coleman Shrimp - on Sea Urchin Indonesia Periclimenes colemani Lea Lee
Double Whiptail - IndonesiaLEE-183 Double Whiptail Indonesia Pentapodus emeryii Lea Lee
Pegasus Seamoth - fin - IndonesiaLEE-188 Pegasus Seamoth - fin Indonesia Eurypegasus draconis Lea Lee
Pfeffer's Flamboyant Cuttlefish - IndonesiaLEE-180 Pfeffer's Flamboyant Cuttlefish Indonesia Metasepia pfefferi Lea Lee
Rock Shrimp - IndonesiaLEE-182 Rock Shrimp Indonesia Leander plumosus Lea Lee
Two Wire Coral Gobies and a Zanzibar Shrimp (Dasycaris zanzibarica) on a spiral coral - IndonesiaLEE-185 Two Wire Coral Gobies and a Zanzibar Shrimp (Dasycaris zanzibarica) on a spiral coral Indonesia Bryaninops youngei Lea Lee
Coral Grouper - IndonesiaLEE-186 Coral Grouper Indonesia Cephalopholis miniata Lea Lee
Estuarine Stonefish - IndonesiaLEE-187 Estuarine Stonefish Indonesia Synanceia horrida Lea Lee
Banded Sole - IndonesiaLEE-181 Banded Sole Indonesia Soleichthys heterorhinos Lea Lee
Honey - in jars in studioLA-8404 Honey - in jars in studio Jean-Michel Labat
Cut-leaved Germander - Hants, UKROG-3592 Cut-leaved Germander Hants, UK Teucrium botrys Bob Gibbons Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
7-Spot Ladybird - UKSPH-785 7-Spot LADYBIRD - autobleeding UK Coccinella 7-punctata Steve Hopkin Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Garden Snail - patterns made by radula, UKSPH-1325 Garden SNAIL - Patterns made by radula UK Helix aspersa Steve Hopkin Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Ladybird - Carnivorous larva of 7 spotROG-9318 7-spot LADYBIRD - Carnivorous larvae of Coccinella 7-punctata Bob Gibbons Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Black Poplar Tree - Mill on River Stour at Sturmin Ster Marshall, Dorset, UKROG-8621 Black POPLAR tree - Mill on River Stour at Sturmin Ster Marshall, Dorset
Water Plantain - Petals open, (‘sunny state'), UKSPH-2127 Water Plantain - Petals open, ( sunny state ) UK Alisma plantago aquqtica Steve Hopkin Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Holly - Seedling, New Forest, UKROG-2464 HOLLY- seedling New Forest Bob Gibbons Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Pill Woodlouse - unrolling, UKSPH-452 Pill Woodlouse - unrolling UK Armadillidium vulgare Steve Hopkin Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Black Garden Ant - on petal, UKSPH-2433 Black Garden ANT - on petal UK Lasius niger Steve Hopkin Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Slug - eating Daffodil in garden, UKSPH-2567 Slug - Eating Daffodil in garden UK Arion ater Steve Hopkin Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Bracken unfurlingSG-379 BRACKEN - unfurling Ardea London Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
House / Cluster Fly - on strawberry jamSPH-1628 HOUSEFLY / CLUSTER FLY - on strawberry jam UK Pollenia rudis Steve Hopkin Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Red Spider Mite NymphSPH-2514-c Red Spider MITE - nymph Tetranychus urticae Steve Hopkin Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Bracken - Frond emerging, MayROG-1961 BRACKEN - Frond emerging May Bob Gibbons Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Red Spider Mite NymphSPH-2514 Red Spider MITE - nymph Tetranychus urticae Steve Hopkin Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Robber FlyROG-9454 ROBBER FLY Asilus crabroniformis Bob Gibbons Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Garden Snail - feeding on RosehipSPH-1362 Garden SNAIL - feeding on Rosehip Helix aspersa Steve Hopkin Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Bluebells - clumps at base of Oak treeSSG-5070 Bluebells - Clumps at base of Oak tree. Hyacinthoides Ardea London Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Black Garden Ant - Tending aphids, UKSPH-55 Black garden ANT - tending / milking aphids / blackfly UK Lasius niger Steve Hopkin Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Perfoliate / Cotswold PennycressROG-9657 Perfoliate / Cotswold Pennycress Thlaspi perfoliatum Bob Gibbons Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Yellow Dung Fly - on sheep dung, UKSPH-2541 YELLOW DUNG FLY - On sheep dung UK Scathophaga stercoraria Steve Hopkin Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Delphiniums - Prize flowersSGi-4373 DELPHINIUMS - Prize flowers Ardea London Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Wright's Gardenia - Aride Is, SeychellesTB-85 Wrights GARDENIA Aride Is, Seychelles Gardenia annae Tony Beamish Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Spingtail - defence reaction, UKSPH-2244 SPRINGTAIL - defence reaction. UK
Pillwort Fern - Rare fern with Spore balls, New Forest, UKROG-9909 Pillwort Fern Rare fern with Spore balls, New Forest, UK Pilularia globulifera Bob Gibbons Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Hericium Fungi - Fungus on Beech, New Forest UK - Biodiversity action spROG-9913 Hericium Fungi Fungus on Beech, New Forest UK - Biodiversity action sp
Pond Snail - x 2 UKPM-3975 Pond SNAIL - two UK Limnea stagnalis Pat Morris Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Penny Royal - Red data book rarity, New Forest, UKROG-5085 Penny Royal Red data book rarity, New Forest, UK. Mertha pulegium Bob Gibbons Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Mackerel - Atlantic Ocean - North Sea - Mediterranean SeaPM-5336 Mackerel - Atlantic Ocean - North Sea Mediterranean Sea Scomber scombrus Pat Morris Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Mackerel - shoal - UKPM-6903 Mackerel - shoal UK Scomber Pat Morris Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Stinging NettlesLB-11076 Stinging NETTLE - mass at edge of path Urtica dioica Ian Beames Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Lily-of-the-valleyME-918 LILY OF THE VALLEY Convallaria majalis Native to woods in Europe, northern Asia and North America, often cultivated. All parts of the plant are poisonous. Belongs to the lily family
Mistle Thrush - feeding on apples in winter - Sussex - UKMAW-8 Mistle Thrush - feeding on apples in winter Sussex - UK Maurice Walker Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Hazel NutsME-647 Hazelnuts - on forest floor Corylus avellana Johan De Meester Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Sequoia Tree - Grant Cove, Kings Canyon National Park, California, USAFG-7934 Giant SEQUOIA / Wellingtonia / Sierra Redwood Grant Cove, Kings Canyon National Park, California
Water GermanderJLM-9209 Water Germander Teucrium scordium John Mason Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Ground PineJLM-12286 GROUND PINE Ajuga chamaepitys John Mason Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Rainforest - Primary RainforestJPF-9202 BORNEO - Primary Rainforest, Strangler fig Danum Valley Conservation area, Sabah, Borneo. Ficus sp
Mistle Thrush - sheltering nest and eggs from heavy rainJAB-3136 Mistle Thrush - sheltering nest and eggs from heavy rain Turdus viscivorus Jack Bailey Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Medicinal LeechBB-538 MEDICINAL LEECH Hirudo medicinalis Brian Bevan Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Giant Puya - Andes - PeruFG-3383 Giant Puya Andes, Peru. South America Puya raimondii Francois Gohier Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Medicinal LeechBB-534 MEDICINAL LEECH - showing mouth parts Hirudo medicinalis Brian Bevan Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Freesia Hybrida - close up of flowerJLM-5113 Freesia Hybrida Close up of flower John Mason Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Mistle Thrush - eggs in nestJLMO-221 Mistle Thrush - eggs in nest Turdus viscivorus John Mason Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Late Spider OrchidJLM-8988 LATE SPIDER ORCHID Ophrys fuciflora John Mason Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Silversword - Hawaii plants. FloweringJLMO-3704 Silversword - Flowering Hawaii plants
Corn CleaversJLMO-313 Corn Cleavers Galium tricornutum Usually found in corn fields. John Mason Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Spearwort / Adders TongueJLMO-349 Spearwort / Adders Tongue Ranunculus ophioglossifolius John Mason Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Fen OrchidJLM-4704 FEN ORCHID Liparis loeselli John Mason Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Hairy CrabDWG-399 HAIRY CRAB - UK Pilumnus hirtellus D. W. Greenslade Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Rainforest - Daintree National Park, Mossman Gorge SectionJPF-12813 RAINFOREST - Australia Daintree National Park, Mossman Gorge section
Corn ButtercupJLM-12102 Corn BUTTERCUP Ranunculus arvensis Status: Vulnerable / rare John Mason Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Pheasant's EyeJLM-11703 Pheasants Eye Adonis annua John Mason Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Tower MustardJLM-10083 TOWER MUSTARD & GRASS Arabis glabra John Mason Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Pink Alstroemeria FlowersAPP-4186 Alstroemeria / Peruvian Lily - in flower, pink Allen Paterson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Large Marsh SaxifrageJLM-7430 Large Marsh Saxifrage Saxifraga hirculus John Mason Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.