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88 Items
Dog - Border Collie - with red merle - playing with frisbeeME-2377 Dog - Border Collie - with red merle - playing with frisbee Johan De Meester Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Dog - Vizsla Hunting Dog runningME-2469 Dog - Vizsla Hunting Dog running Johan De Meester Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Picture No. 10889129Blue Tit - with disease (Parus caeruleus) Date
Goldtail Angelfish, Indian Ocean coastal reefs, East Africa to western AustraliaPM-10803 Goldtail Angelfish Indian Ocean coastal reefs Pomacanthus chrysurus Found East Africa to western Australia
Dog - Border Collie - with red merle - playing with frisbeeME-2376 Dog - Border Collie - with red merle - playing with frisbee Johan De Meester Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Dog - Border Collie - with red merle - playing with frisbeeME-2378 Dog - Border Collie - with red merle - playing with frisbee Johan De Meester Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Powder Blue Surgeonfish (=Powder Blue Tang)PM-10769 Powder Blue Surgeonfish (Powder Blue Tang)
Picture No. 10899733Lion - cubs in grassland (Panthera leo) Date
Picture No. 11073562Aerial image of a wildernesss watershed (long standing environmental fight to protect Peel watershed from mining and oil and gas exploration) Boreal Forest, Yukon, Northern Canada
Picture No. 10889131Woodpigeon (Columba palumbus) Date
Picture No. 10889123Greater Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopus major) Date
Picture No. 10889127Robin (Erithacus rubecula) Date
Picture No. 10885430Gar / Garpike (Lepisosteus tristoechus) Date
Picture No. 10892865Alpine Marmot - with camera on tripod (Marmota marmota) Date
Picture No. 10899785Spotted Hyena - relaxing (Crocuta crocuta) Date
Picture No. 10899787Spotted Hyena - relaxing (Crocuta crocuta) Date
Picture No. 10899780Egyptian Goose (Alopochen aegyptiacus) Date
Picture No. 10899786Wildebeest - on the run during migration (Connochaetes taurinus) Date
Picture No. 10899772Saddle-billed Stork - fishing in a pond (Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis) Date
Picture No. 10899775Saddle-billed Stork - fishing in a pond (Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis) Date
Picture No. 10899774Saddle-billed Stork - fishing in a pond (Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis) Date
Picture No. 10899771Martial Eagle (Polemaetus bellisicosus) Date
Picture No. 10899773Saddle-billed Stork - fishing in a pond (Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis) Date
Picture No. 10899765Marabou Stork - on the banks of river Mara (Leptoptilos crumeniferus) Date
Picture No. 10899764Saddle-billed Stork - fishing in pond (Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis) Date
Picture No. 10899737Lion - cub in grassland (Panthera leo) Date
Picture No. 10899740African Elephant (Loxodonta africana) Date
Picture No. 10899743Wildebeest - mother with young suckling (Connochaetes taurinus) Date
Picture No. 10899738Lion - cub in grassland (Panthera leo) Date
Picture No. 10899742Giant Elands (Taurotragus derbianus) Date
Picture No. 10899739Lion - cub in grassland (Panthera leo) Date
Picture No. 10899732Lion - cubs in grassland (Panthera leo) Date
Picture No. 10899736Lion - cub in grassland (Panthera leo) Date
Picture No. 10899735Lion - cubs in grassland (Panthera leo) Date
Picture No. 10899728Lioness (Panthera leo) Date
Picture No. 10899731Lioness - lifting her cub (Panthera leo) Date
Picture No. 10899727Lion - cub - in grassland (Panthera leo) Date
Picture No. 10899726Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) Date
Picture No. 10899725Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) Date
Picture No. 10899724Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) Date
Picture No. 10899662Lioness (Panthera leo) Date
Picture No. 10899664Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis tippedski) Date
Picture No. 10899667Zebras (Equus quagga) Date
Picture No. 10899666Zebras (Equus quagga) Date
Picture No. 10899665Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis tippedski) Date
Picture No. 10899659Lioness - lifting the cub (Panthera leo) Date
Picture No. 10899663Lioness (Panthera leo) Date
Picture No. 10899661Lioness Date
Picture No. 10899660Lioness (Panthera leo) Date
Picture No. 10899658Lioness - playing with the cub (Panthera leo) Date
Picture No. 10899656Lion - cub playing with mother (Panthera leo) Date
Picture No. 10899657Lioness - lifting the cub (Panthera leo) Date
Picture No. 10899734Lion - cubs in grassland (Panthera leo) Date
Picture No. 10899730Lioness - cub with mother (Panthera leo) Date
Picture No. 10899729Lioness - cub with mother (Panthera leo) Date
Dog - Belgian Shepherd / Tervuren DogME-2462 Dog - Belgian Shepherd / Tervuren Dog Johan De Meester Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Dog - Bernese Mountain Dog - puppyME-2361 Dog - Bernese Mountain Dog - puppy Johan De Meester Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Dog - Vizsla Hunting Dog runningME-2468 Dog - Vizsla Hunting Dog running Johan De Meester Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Dog - Vizsla Hunting DogME-2470 Dog - Vizsla Hunting Dog Johan De Meester Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Dog - Belgian Shepherd / Tervuren DogME-2463 Dog - Belgian Shepherd / Tervuren Dog Johan De Meester Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Dog - Bernese Mountain Dog - puppyME-2359 Dog - Bernese Mountain Dog - puppy Johan De Meester Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Dog - Bernese Mountain Dog - puppyME-2358 Dog - Bernese Mountain Dog - puppy Johan De Meester Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Dog - Bernese Mountain Dog - puppyME-2360 Dog - Bernese Mountain Dog - puppy Johan De Meester Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Dog - Bernese Mountain Dog - puppyME-2362 Dog - Bernese Mountain Dog - puppy Johan De Meester Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Dog - Vizsla Hunting DogME-2471 Dog - Vizsla Hunting Dog Johan De Meester Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Dog - Border Collie - with red merle - playing with frisbeeME-2379 Dog - Border Collie - with red merle - playing with frisbee Johan De Meester Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Alpine Marmot - pair on hind legs - EuropeSM-2699 Alpine Marmot - pair on hind legs Europe Marmota marmota Stefan Meyers Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway.
Banded Featherback / Ghost Knife Fish - Asian freshwaters especially IndiaPM-10798 Banded Featherback / Ghost Knife Fish Asian freshwaters especially India Notopterus chitala aquarium fish food fish Pat Morris
Black Spotted Puffer, coastal reefs and shallow waters, Indo-PacificPM-10772 Black Spotted Puffer, coastal reefs and shallow waters, Indo-Pacific Arothron nigropunctatus Pat Morris
Pike, freshwaters, northwest EuropePM-10799 Pike freshwaters, northwest Europe Esox lucius A predatory fish, found in freshwater Pat Morris
Starry Toadfish / Starry Pufferfish - coastal waters from East AfricaPM-10774 Starry Toadfish / Starry Pufferfish coastal waters from East Africa, Seychelles to Australia Arothron stellatus Venomous animals Pat Morris
Whale Catfish, tropical freshwatersPM-10777 Whale Catfish tropical freshwaters, South America Cetopsis coecutiens This species is a shoaling, aggressive carnivore, biting other fish
Red Lionfish / Dragon Fish - reefs, Indo-PacificPM-10805 Red Lionfish / Dragon Fish reefs, Indo-Pacific Pterois volitans A Red Lionfish / Dragon Fish, marine fish, also found in aquariums Pat Morris
Whale Catfish, tropical freshwatersPM-10776 Whale Catfish Tropical freshwaters, South America Cetopsis coecutiens This species is a shoaling, aggressive carnivore, biting other fish
Golden Trevally, tropical coastal reefs and lagoonsPM-10788 Golden Trevally tropical coastal reefs and lagoons, circum-global Gnathanodon speciosus Shoaling species sometimes used for food. marine fish. Pat Morris
Bitterling - female showing long ovipositor developed to inject eggs into the mantle cavity of freshwater musselsPM-10775 Bitterling - female showing long ovipositor developed to inject eggs into the mantle cavity of freshwater mussels. Freshwaters of central Europe, introduced to Britain
Bleeding Heart Tetra, freshwaters, ColombiaPM-10793 Bleeding Heart Tetra freshwaters, Colombia Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma aquarium fish Pat Morris
Longnose Butterfly Fish, Indo-Pacific and Red Sea reefsPM-10786 Longnose Butterfly Fish, Indo-Pacific and Red Sea reefs Forcipiger longirostris Longnose Butterfly Fish, Indo-Pacific and Red Sea reefs. reefs marine fish A4- Pat Morris
Arapaima, one of the largest freshwater fishes, tropical South AmericaPM-10770 Arapaima, one of the largest freshwater fishes tropical South America Arapaima gigas Living fossil Pat Morris
Starry Toadfish / Starry Pufferfish - coastal waters from East AfricaPM-10773 Starry Toadfish / Starry Pufferfish - coastal waters coastal waters from East Africa, Seychelles to Australia Arothron stellatus Pat Morris
Pumpkinseed, freshwaters North America and introduced to parts of UK and EuropePM-10806 Pumpkinseed freshwaters North America Lepomis gibbosus Pumpkinseed fish introduced to parts of UK and Europe. Also found in aquariums Pat Morris
Alpine Marmot - pair fighting - EuropeSM-2695 Alpine Marmot - pair fighting Europe Marmota marmota Stefan Meyers
Alpine Marmot - pair fighting - EuropeSM-2696 Alpine Marmot - pair fighting Europe Marmota marmota Stefan Meyers
Alpine Marmot - on hind legs - EuropeSM-2698 Alpine Marmot - on hind legs Europe Marmota marmota Stefan Meyers