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Images Dated 20th August 2011

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Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Picture No. 10890311

Picture No. 10890311
Axolotl - neotenous larval form showing external gills (Ambystoma mexicanum) Date

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Snow Leopards - cubs

Snow Leopards - cubs
DOW-526 Snow Leopards - cubs Uncia uncia Steve Downer Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway.

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Cape Parrot

Cape Parrot
AP-1391 CAPE PARROT - on branch Poicephalus robustus Dennis Avon Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway.

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: WIld Cat

WIld Cat
SM-1650 Wild CAT Felix silvestris Stefan Meyers Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway.

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Common Krait Snake

Common Krait Snake
MK-92 COMMON KRAIT SNAKE Bungarus caeruleus M. Krishnan

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Picture No. 10889106

Picture No. 10889106
Bull's nose with ring Date

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Picture No. 11051713

Picture No. 11051713
French Angelfish western Atlantic, Bahamas to Brazil Date

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Picture No. 10884136

Picture No. 10884136
Starlings - in flight among wind turbines (Sturnus vulgaris) Date

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Picture No. 10884137

Picture No. 10884137
Starlings - in flight among wind turbines (Sturnus vulgaris) Date

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Picture No. 10890599

Picture No. 10890599
Black Swan - with cygnets (Cygnus atratus) Date

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Picture No. 10890612

Picture No. 10890612
Common Myna (Acridotheres tristis ) Date

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Picture No. 10890646

Picture No. 10890646
Little Pied Cormorant (Microcarbo (Phalacrocorax) melan) Date

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Picture No. 10884145

Picture No. 10884145
Grey Crowned Crane (Balearica regulorum) Date

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Picture No. 10890660

Picture No. 10890660
Paradise Shelduck - female (Tadorna variegata) Date

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Picture No. 10890597

Picture No. 10890597
Black Swan - flapping along lake surface mostly keeping wings low and making considerable splashing (Cygnus atratus) Date

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Picture No. 10889105

Picture No. 10889105
Cow - licking mineral block Date

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Picture No. 10884133

Picture No. 10884133
Starlings - in flight among wind turbines (Sturnus vulgaris) Date

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Picture No. 10884135

Picture No. 10884135
Starlings - in flight among wind turbines (Sturnus vulgaris) Date

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Picture No. 10884134

Picture No. 10884134
Starlings - in flight among wind turbines (Sturnus vulgaris) Date

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Picture No. 10898131

Picture No. 10898131
Willow Grouse / Ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus) Date

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Belding's Ground Squirrel

Belding's Ground Squirrel
WW-2687 Belding Ground Squirrel Spermophilus beldingi Latin also Citellus beldingi Wardene Weisser Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: FLying Frog - Costa RIca

FLying Frog - Costa RIca
AW-2852 FLYING FROG Costa RIca Agalychnis spurrelli Adrian Warren Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway.

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Wind Turbines and coal fired power station on the Netherlands coast near Vlissingen

Wind Turbines and coal fired power station on the Netherlands coast near Vlissingen
PM-10839 Wind Turbines and coal fired power station on the Netherlands coast near Vlissingen. Pat Morris

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Lesser Spotted Dogfish, coastal waters Britain and Mediterranean

Lesser Spotted Dogfish, coastal waters Britain and Mediterranean
PM-10781 Lesser Spotted Dogfish coastal waters Britain and Mediterranean Scyliorhinus canicula sharks Pat Morris

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Matabele Ants - raiding Termite nest

Matabele Ants - raiding Termite nest
PS-5807 Matabele Ants - raiding Termite nest Peter Steyn

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Indian Moon Moth - female

Indian Moon Moth - female
PPG-730 INDIAN MOON MOTH - FEMALE Actias selene Pascal Goetgheluck

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Indian Moon Moth Caterpillar - Cross section of caterpillar in cocoon prior to pupation

Indian Moon Moth Caterpillar - Cross section of caterpillar in cocoon prior to pupation
PPG-234 Indian Moon Moth Caterpillar - Cross section of caterpillar in cocoon prior to pupation Actias selene Pascal Goetgheluck

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Indian Moon Moth Caterpillar

Indian Moon Moth Caterpillar
PPG-254 INDIAN MOON MOTH CATERPILLAR Actias selene Pascal Goetgheluck

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Stingray

PM-7952 Common STINGRAY Dasyatis pastinaca Pat Morris

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Common Krait Snake - India

Common Krait Snake - India
JPF-91 Common Krait Snake India Bungarus caeruleus Jean Paul Ferrero

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: WIld Cat - kittens

WIld Cat - kittens
PM-5684 WIld Cat - kittens Pat Morris

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Antarctic Krill

Antarctic Krill
JPF-9390 ANTARCTIC KRILL - SHOAL Euphausia superba Jean Paul Ferrero

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Chub

PM-9338 CHUB - FRESWATER, EUROPE Leuciscus cephalus Pat Morris

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Wind Turbines and coal fired power station on the Netherlands coast near Vlissingen

Wind Turbines and coal fired power station on the Netherlands coast near Vlissingen
PM-10838 Wind Turbines and coal fired power station on the Netherlands coast near Vlissingen. Pat Morris

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Speckled Rainbow Fish - Indian Ocean

Speckled Rainbow Fish - Indian Ocean
PM-2556 Speckled Rainbow Fish Indian Ocean Halichoeres marginatus Pat Morris

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Lesser Spotted Dogfish, coastal waters Britain and Mediterranean

Lesser Spotted Dogfish, coastal waters Britain and Mediterranean
PM-10782 Lesser Spotted Dogfish coastal waters Britain and Mediterranean Scyliorhinus canicula sharks Pat Morris

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Antarctic Krill

Antarctic Krill
JPF-9394 ANTARCTIC KRILL - two close-up Euphausia superba Jean Paul Ferrero

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Dall's Sheep - female

Dall's Sheep - female
MG-345 DALL'S SHEEP - FEMALE Martin Grosnick

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Reindeer / Caribou

Reindeer / Caribou
MG-118 Reindeer / Caribou Rangifer tarandus Martin Grosnick

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Mudskipper, coastal tropics Indian Ocean

Mudskipper, coastal tropics Indian Ocean
PM-10795 Mudskipper coastal tropics Indian Ocean Periopthalmus sp Pat Morris

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Indian Moon Moth Caterpillar

Indian Moon Moth Caterpillar
PPG-243 INDIAN MOON MOTH CATERPILLARS - two on plant Actias selene Pascal Goetgheluck

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Wild Cat - in snow

Wild Cat - in snow
ME-294 WILD CAT - IN SNOW Felis catus Johan De Meester

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Antarctic Krill

Antarctic Krill
JPF-9393 ANTARCTIC KRILL - SHOAL Euphausia superba Jean Paul Ferrero

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Green Birdmouth Wrasse, Indo-Pacific reefs. Changes sex as it grows older

Green Birdmouth Wrasse, Indo-Pacific reefs. Changes sex as it grows older
PM-10790 Green Birdmouth Wrasse Indo-Pacific reefs Gomphosus caeruleus Changes sex as it grows older. coral reefs Pat Morris

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Lake Sturgeon

Lake Sturgeon
PM-1868 Lake Sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens Pat Morris

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Indian Moon Moth Caterpillar

Indian Moon Moth Caterpillar
PPG-230 INDIAN MOON MOTH CATERPILLAR Actias selene Pascal Goetgheluck

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Smooth Dog Fish

Smooth Dog Fish
PM-1860 SMOOTH DOGFISH A type of shark Mustelus canis Pat Morris

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Indian Moon Moth Caterpillar - feeding

Indian Moon Moth Caterpillar - feeding
PPG-251 Indian Moon Moth Caterpillar - feeding Actias selene Pascal Goetgheluck

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Lake Sturgeon

Lake Sturgeon
PM-1866 Lake Sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens Pat Morris

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Lionfish

PM-1332 LIONFISH Pterois volitans Pat Morris

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Blushing Snail - endemic - St Helena

Blushing Snail - endemic - St Helena
PS-10477 Blushing SNAIL - endemic St Helena Succinea sanctaehelenae Peter Steyn

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Indian Moon Moth Caterpillar - pupaea

Indian Moon Moth Caterpillar - pupaea
PPG-239 Indian Moon Moth Caterpillar - pupae Actias selene Pascal Goetgheluck

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Indian Moon Moth Caterpillar

Indian Moon Moth Caterpillar
PPG-237 INDIAN MOON MOTH CATERPILLAR Actias selene Pascal Goetgheluck

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Pallid Bat

Pallid Bat
MOP-444 PALLID BATS - C/U OF COLONY Antrozous pallidus B Moose Peterson

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Pallid Bat

Pallid Bat
MOP-440 PALLID BATS - COLONY IN ROOF Antrozous pallidus B Moose Peterson

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Black-banded sea krait - Indonesia

Black-banded sea krait - Indonesia
VT-6379 Black-banded sea krait Indonesia Laticauda semifasciata Valerie & Ron Taylor

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Honeycomb Grouper - Great Barrier Reef

Honeycomb Grouper - Great Barrier Reef
VT-5729 Honeycomb Grouper Great Barrier Reef, Australia Epinephelus merra Also known as: birdwire rockcod, black-spotted rock-cod, common birdwire rockcod, dwarf spotted grouper

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Black-banded sea krait - courting - Indonesia

Black-banded sea krait - courting - Indonesia
VT-6712 Black-banded sea krait - courting Indonesia Laticauda semifasciata Valerie & Ron Taylor

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Clown FIsh - Malaysia

Clown FIsh - Malaysia
VT-2461 Clown FIsh Malaysia Amphiprion percula Valerie & Ron Taylor

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Cleaner Fish

Cleaner Fish
VT-671 CLEANER FISH Thalassoma lunare Valerie & Ron Taylor

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Lionfish

VT-506 LIONFISH Pterois volitians Valerie & Ron Taylor

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Black-banded sea krait - Indonesia

Black-banded sea krait - Indonesia
VT-5291 Black-banded sea krait / Sea Snake South China Sea, Indonesia Laticauda semifasciata Valerie & Ron Taylor

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Blue-head Wrasse - male - Caribbean

Blue-head Wrasse - male - Caribbean
VT-4433 Blue-head Wrasse - male Caribbean Thalassoma bifasciatum Valerie & Ron Taylor

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Brain Coral - Indo Pacific - Indonesia

Brain Coral - Indo Pacific - Indonesia
VT-7014 Brain Coral Indo Pacific - Indonesia Symphyllia radians Valerie & Ron Taylor

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Black-banded sea krait - Indonesia

Black-banded sea krait - Indonesia
VT-5290 Black-banded sea krait Indonesia Laticauda semifasciata Valerie & Ron Taylor

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Honeycomb Coral - Indonesia

Honeycomb Coral - Indonesia
VT-7005 HONEYCOMB CORAL - INDONESIA Favia favus Valerie & Ron Taylor

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Honeycomb Grouper - Great Barrier Reef

Honeycomb Grouper - Great Barrier Reef
VT-6 Honeycomb Grouper - Great Barrier Reef Epinephelus merra Also known as: birdwire rockcod, black-spotted rock-cod, common birdwire rockcod, dwarf spotted grouper, dwarf spotter rockcod

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Hard Coral

Hard Coral
VT-488 Hard Coral Favia pallida Valerie & Ron Taylor

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Swimmer Crab - Papua New Guinea

Swimmer Crab - Papua New Guinea
VT-7285 Swimmer Crab Papua New Guinea Portunus pelagicus Valerie & Ron Taylor

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Roe Deer Buck - amongst high vegetation on planted up fallow land - Lower Saxony - Germany

Roe Deer Buck - amongst high vegetation on planted up fallow land - Lower Saxony - Germany
USH-5599 Roe Deer Buck - amongst high vegetation on planted up fallow land Lower Saxony - Germany Capreolus capreolus Duncan Usher

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Porcupine - in defensive posture

Porcupine - in defensive posture
CLA-59 Porcupine - in defensive posture Erethizon corsatum Mary Clay

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Snow Leopard - female cleaning

Snow Leopard - female cleaning
DOW-522 Snow Leopard - female cleaning Uncia uncia Steve Downer

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Fur Seal - adult - South Georgia

Fur Seal - adult - South Georgia
EM-812 Fur Seal - adult South Georgia Arctocephalus australis Edwin Mickleburgh

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: FLying Frog - Costa RIca

FLying Frog - Costa RIca
AW-2785 Flying Frog Costa RIca Agalychnis spurrelli Adrian Warren

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: White-capped Noddy / Black Noddy - flock nesting in tree

White-capped Noddy / Black Noddy - flock nesting in tree
AW-4417 White-capped Noddy / Black Noddy - flock nesting in tree Heron Island, Australia Anous minutus Adrian Warren

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Snow Leopards - female with cubs

Snow Leopards - female with cubs
DOW-520 Snow Leopards - female with cubs Uncia uncia Steve Downer

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Lemuroid RIngtail Possum - rainforest - Queensland - Australia

Lemuroid RIngtail Possum - rainforest - Queensland - Australia
HB-2702 Lemuroid RIngtail Possum - rainforest Queensland - Australia Hemilbeledeus lemuroides Hans & Judy Beste

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Horned Screamer - in flight - Lake Sono - Columbia

Horned Screamer - in flight - Lake Sono - Columbia
AGR-242 Horned Screamer - in flight Lake Sono - Columbia Anhima cornuta Alan Greensmith

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Fur Seal - playing in sea - Cooper Bay - South Georgia

Fur Seal - playing in sea - Cooper Bay - South Georgia
EM-298 Fur Seal - playing in sea Cooper Bay, South Georgia Arctocephalus australis Edwin Mickleburgh

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Snow Leopards - female washing cub

Snow Leopards - female washing cub
DOW-524 Snow Leopards - female washing cub Uncia uncia Steve Downer

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Cuban Tree Frog

Cuban Tree Frog
DB-550 CUBAN TREE FROG Hyla septentrionalis Donald Burgess

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Snow Leopard - cub

Snow Leopard - cub
DOW-521 Snow Leopard - cub Uncia uncia Steve Downer

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Snow Leopard - cub

Snow Leopard - cub
DOW-527 Snow Leopard - cub Uncia uncia Steve Downer

Background imageImages Dated 20th August 2011: Little Blue Heron - with frog prey - Louisiana USA

Little Blue Heron - with frog prey - Louisiana USA
CAN-817 Little Blue Heron - with frog prey Louisiana USA Egretta caerulea John Cancalosi

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