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18 Items
Picture No. 10887085Short-eared Owl - in flight - hunting over rough grassland in winter (Asio flammeus) Date
Picture No. 10887087Short-eared Owl - on post (Asio flammeus) Date
Picture No. 10898177Changeable Hawk Eagle / Crested Hawk Eagle (Spizaetus cirrhatus) Date
Picture No. 10887086Short-eared Owl - in flight - hunting over rough grassland in winter (Asio flammeus) Date
Picture No. 10887083Short-eared Owl - in flight - hunting over rough grassland in winter (Asio flammeus) Date
Picture No. 10887084Short-eared Owl - in flight - hunting over rough grassland in winter (Asio flammeus) Date
Picture No. 10887082Short-eared Owl - in flight - hunting over rough grassland in winter (Asio flammeus) Date
Picture No. 10887080Short-eared Owl - hunting over rough grassland in winter (Asio flammeus) Date
Picture No. 10887081Short-eared Owl - in flight - hunting over rough grassland in winter (Asio flammeus) Date
Picture No. 10887005Turnstone - feeding on mussel (Arenaria interpres) Date
Picture No. 10887004Knot - flock taking off in flight (Calidris canutus) Date
Picture No. 10898209Pond with Algae Date
Picture No. 10898176Changeable Hawk Eagle / Crested Hawk Eagle (Spizaetus cirrhatus) Date
Cattle - grazing early morning - Norfolk UK 15200BB-2713 Cattle - grazing early morning Norfolk UK Brian Bevan Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Bighorn Sheep - ram chasing ewe he thinks is ready to mate (estrus) in December snow - Rocky Mountains - USA _E7C3470TOM-2108 Bighorn Sheep. Ram chasing ewe he thinks is ready to mate (estrus) in December snow Rocky Mountains - USA _E7C3470 Ovis canadensis Tom & Pat Leeson
Bighorn Sheep - rams chasing ewe that they think is ready to mate (estrus)TOM-2109 Bighorn Sheep. Rams chasing ewe that they think is ready to mate (estrus) in December snow Rocky Mountains - USA Ovis canadensis Tom & Pat Leeson
Bighorn Sheep - rams chasing ewe that they think is ready to mate (estrus)TOM-2107 Bighorn Sheep. Rams chasing ewe that they think is ready to mate (estrus) in December snow Rocky Mountains - USA _E7C3447 Ovis canadensis Tom & Pat Leeson
Painted Lady ButterflyJB-915 PAINTED LADY BUTTERFLY Vanessa cardui J B Bottomley