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9 Items
Picture No. 11074005Red / Watermelon Snow caused by the flagellate alga Chlamydomonas nivalis Tre Cime, Dolomites, Italy
Picture No. 11074007Stone Stripes from frost heave in high altitude tundra Tre Cime, Dolomites, Italy
Picture No. 11074006Red / Watermelon Snow caused by the flagellate alga Chlamydomonas nivalis Tre Cime, Dolomites, Italy
Picture No. 11071206Goldmoss / Mossy Stonecrop / Goldmoss Sedum / Biting Stonecrop - Cumbria, UK. Date
Picture No. 11074004Yellow Alpine Poppy Tre Cime, Dolomites, Italy
Picture No. 11073074BIRD Soptted Flycatcher
Picture No. 11050231Green Frog in pond District of Columbia, USA Date
Picture No. 11050230Green Frog in pond District of Columbia, USA Date
Picture No. 11050229Green Frog in pond District of Columbia, USA Date