Bottlenose dolphin - blowing air rings underwaterSTA-82 Bottlenose dolphin - blowing air rings underwater Distribution: Worldwide except polar regions Tursiops truncatus Complex play / creative behaviour
Bottlenose dolphin - blowing air bubbles underwater with mouth openSTA-75 Bottlenose dolphin - blowing air bubbles underwater with mouth open Distribution: Worldwide except polar regions Tursiops truncatus Complex play / creative behaviour
Bottlenose Dolphin Two togetherSTA-12-m Bottlenose DOLPHIN - two facing camera Tursiops truncatus Augusto Leandro Stanzani Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Green Sea Turtle TOM 254 Pacicfic OceanTOM-254 Green Sea TURTLE - side profile, at surface Pacific Ocean, Hawaii
Sperm whale Photographed off the Azores Islands, Atlantic OceanFG-ck-120 Sperm Whale - Underwater Photographed off the Azores Islands
Sperm whale Near the Azores Islands (Portugal). North Atlantic OceanFG-cb-246 Sperm Whale - underwater Near the Azores Islands (Portugal)
Red-eared TerrapinJD-4442 Red-eared Terrapin Pseudemys scripta elecans John Daniels Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Bottlenose dolphin - blowing air bubbles underwaterSTA-94 Bottlenose dolphin - blowing air bubbles underwater Distribution: Worldwide except polar regions Tursiops truncatus Complex play / creative behaviour
California Grey Whale - Close-up of head areaFG-eb-123 California Grey Whale - Close-up of head area, showing blowholes, and patches of barnacles
Loggerhead Turtle - Loggerhead turtle surrounded by her own bubbles diving after taking a breath of airVT-8608 Loggerhead Turtle - Loggerhead turtle surrounded by her own bubbles diving after taking a breath of air. Loggerhead turtles are endangered. Heron Island Great Barrier Reef
DDE-90025551Scuba diving at Similan Islands Underwater Park, Thailand, SE Asia Date: 12/05/2005
DDE-90023828Antarctica, Anvers Island, Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaengliae) swims at surface in Fournier Bay Date: 19/02/2005
DDE-90023829Antarctica, Anvers Island, Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaengliae) swims at surface in Fournier Bay Date: 19/02/2005
DDE-90023827Antarctica, Anvers Island, Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaengliae) swims at surface in Fournier Bay Date: 19/02/2005
UW INDO 1989 96Chinese Sea Snake - at surface to breathe with island in background - Snake Ridge dive site, Manuk Island, Indonesia
Picture No. 10739618Scuba diver - with Grouper and Zebra fish (Epinephelus Spp) Date:
Picture No. 10875554Bottlenose Dolphin - blowing air rings underwater (Tursiops truncatus) Date:
Bottlenose Dolphin - showing air bubbles from blowholeSTA-15 Bottlenose DOLPHIN - blows bubbles from blow hole
Humpback whale - Blow rises very high in the coldFG-7683 Humpback Whale - blowing air from blow hole Southeast Alaska
Blue Whale Blowing waterFG-7590 BLUE WHALE - blowing water Balaenoptera musculus Francois Gohier Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Bottlenose dolphin - blowing air bubbles underwaterSTA-80 Bottlenose dolphin - blowing air bubbles underwater Distribution: Worldwide except polar regions Tursiops truncatus Complex play / creative behaviour
Picture No. 10850286Blue WHALE - blowing at surface (Balaenoptera musculus) Date:
European Otter - diving down to seabed - ScotlandNG-489 European Otter - diving down to seabed West Coast, Scotland Lutra lutra Nick Gordon Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Orange variety of the large black slug Arion ater agg crawling on log with pneumostome or breathing hole clearlyMAB-862 Orange variety of the large black slug - crawling on log with pneumostome or breathing hole clearly visible Cotswolds UK Arion ater Mark Boulton Please note that prints are for personal
California Grey whale - Cluster of barnacles( Cryptolepas rhachianecti) on the head of a California Grey whaleFG-eb-62 California Grey whale - Cluster of barnacles( Cryptolepas rhachianecti) on the head of a California Grey whale
Bottlenose dolphin - blowing air bubbleSTA-68 Bottlenose dolphin - blowing air bubble Distribution: Worldwide except polar regions Tursiops truncatus Complex play / creative behaviour
Bottlenose dolphins - dancing and blowing air underwaterSTA-57-n Bottlenose dolphins - dancing and blowing air underwater Tursiops truncatus Augusto Leandro Stanzani Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only
Picture No. 11806844Snapping turtle, Maryland, feeding on surface Date:
Picture No. 11073832Florida Manatee (a form of West Indian Manatee) in shallow coastal lagoon Flamingo, Everglades, Florida, USA
Picture No. 10850566California Grey whale - Grey whales trapped in ice (Eschrichtius robustus) Date:
Picture No. 10767501Diver with Tessellate / Green Moray Eel (Gymnothorax favagineus) Date:
Picture No. 10762006HIPPOPOTAMUS - Lazing in the Luangwa River, (Hippopotamus amphibius ) Date:
Picture No. 10750376Divers with torches Date:
Picture No. 10750285Divers on wreck Date:
Picture No. 10739616Scuba diver - swimming amongst fish Date:
Picture No. 10739617Scuba diver - Puffer fish Date:
Picture No. 10739619Scuba Divers - feeding habituated Atlantic Stingrays at Stingray City in The Cayman Islands (Daryatis sabina) Date:
Picture No. 10882244Killer Whale / Orca - surfacing - blowing (Orcinus orca) Date:
Picture No. 10881629Bottlenose Dolphin - two swimming underwater - with water bubble (Tursiops truncatus) Date:
Picture No. 10874717Bunaken Coral reef and diver Date:
Picture No. 10866735Sperm whale - aerial of whale watching vessel approaching two sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) Date:
Picture No. 10861500Northern Right whale - Watching Northern right whales in the Bay of Fundy (Eubalaena glacialis) Date:
Picture No. 10860998Black & White Illustration: Whale - spouting Date:
Picture No. 10859745DOG - Boxer, male lying in grass with tongue out Date:
Picture No. 10859230Horse - Appaloosa taking a breath, close-up of head Date:
Picture No. 10769299Rat - being examined by vet Date:
Picture No. 10767917Diver Valerie Taylor - swimming through weeds over freshwater sinkhole Date:
Picture No. 10767913DIVER, Valerie Taylor - swimming through weeds in freshwater sink hole, Date:
Picture No. 10767912DIVER, Valerie Taylor - swimming through weeds in freshwater sink hole, Date:
Picture No. 10767712Diver - Valerie Taylor in cage watching Great White Sharks Date:
Picture No. 10767636Scuba Divers - Adult diver taking a child on her first dive Date:
Picture No. 10900867African Elephant (Loxodonta africana) Date:
Picture No. 10946948Blue Whale - & Risso's Dolphin - Mexico Aerial shot, Mexico. Date:
Mosquito Larva - at water surface - UK (Diptera: Culicidae)SPH-1521 Mosquito Larva - at water surface UK Diptera : Culicidae Steve Hopkin Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Grey Whale - surfacing - Vancouver Island - B. C. Canada AU-1485PPC-20126 Grey Whale - surfacing Vancouver Island - B. C. Canada Eschrichtius robustus D. Parer & E
Humpback whale - Blow/Spout - inside Passage - AlaskaWAT-17785 Humpback whale - Blow / Spout Inside Passage - Alaska Megaptera novaeangliae M. Watson contact details: tel: +44 (0) 20 8318 1401
Humboldt / Peruvian Penguin - underwaterWAT-5467 Humboldt / Peruvian PENGUIN - swimming Spheniscus humboldti M. Watson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Red Deer - buck in winter snow - GermanySM-2495 Red Deer - buck in winter snow Germany Cervus elaphus Stefan Meyers Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Bottlenose Dolphin STA 26 Mother & Baby play with bubble Tursiops truncatus © Augusto Leandro Stanzani / ARDEASTA-26 Bottlenose DOLPHIN - Mother and baby play with air bubble Tursiops truncatus Complex play / creative behaviour: dolphins often play with the bubbles or rings of air they create
Cape Fur Seal - viewed from under the water with air bubbles - Atltanic Ocean - Namibia - AfricaKAT-926 Cape Fur Seal - viewed from under the water with air bubbles Atlanic Ocean - Namibia - Africa Arctocephalus pusillus Karl Terblanche Please note that prints are for personal display purposes
Killer Whale JPF 7674 Antartica Orcinus orca © Jean-Paul Ferrero / ARDEA LONDONJPF-7674 KILLER WHALE / Orca McMurdo Sound, Antartica Orcinus orca Jean Paul Ferrero Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Highland Cattle - breath visible - Norfolk grazing marsh - UKFEU-816 Highland Cattle - breath visible Norfolk grazing marsh - UK Geoff du Feu Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Highland Cattle - breath visible - Norfolk grazing marsh - UKFEU-811 Highland Cattle - breath visible Norfolk grazing marsh - UK Geoff du Feu Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
IMG 6577STA-260 Bottlenose Dolphin - two swimming underwater Tursiops truncatus Augusto Leandro Stanzani Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway
IMG 8088STA-265 Bottlenose Dolphin - swimming underwater - with water bubble Tursiops truncatus Augusto Leandro Stanzani Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only
Humpback Whale blowhole - Off the Kimberley coast, Western AustraliaDH-4454 Humpback Whale blowhole Off the Kimberley coast, Western Australia
Killer whale / Orca - beginning to exhale just before breaking the surface - transient typeFG-EC-031 Killer whale / Orca - beginning to exhale just before breaking the surface - transient type Monterey Bay, Pacific Ocean, California
KF0-1082KFO-1082 Alligator Snapping Turtle Shell can be 2 ft. long. South Central USA
Great Diving / Water Beetle Male breathing at surfaceJC-20 Great Diving / Water BEETLE - male breathing at surface Dytiscus marginalis John Clegg Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Sperm whale - aerial view of two adult males. Off Kaikoura - South Island - New ZealandFG-EC-140 Sperm whale - aerial view of two adult males Off Kaikoura, South Island
Sperm whale. Off Kaikoura - South Island - New ZealandFG-EC-128 Sperm whale Off Kaikoura, South Island
Weddell Seal - at breathing hole AntarcticaJPF-7831 Weddell / Weddel Seal - at breathing hole Antarctica Leptonychotes weddellii Jean Paul Ferrero Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only
Harp SEALS - aerial of breathing holes in lead in pack-iceFG-6841 Harp SEALS - aerial of breathing holes in lead in pack-ice Phoca groenlandica Francois Gohier Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only
Common Dolphins - adults & young swimming in the strait of Gibraltar. SpainWAT-12932 Common Dolphins - adults & young swimming in the strait of Gibraltar. Spain Delphinus delphis M
Sperm whale - aerial view of two adult males. Off Kaikoura - South Island - New ZealandFG-EC-142 Sperm whale - aerial view of two adult males Off Kaikoura, South Island
Sperm whale - aerial view of an adult male. Off Kaikoura - South Island - New ZealandFG-EC-136 Sperm whale - aerial view of an adult male Off Kaikoura, South Island
Whitish Grey Horse - mare, backlit with misty breath in plumes from nostrils. UKHAR-101 Horse - whitish grey mare, backlit with misty breath in plumes from nostrils Early morning
Gray Whale - Mother and calf resting at the surfaceFG-eb-940 Gray Whale - mother and calf resting at the surface San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja California South
Fin Whale - Note characteristic white color of right side of lower jaw (left side is dark as rest of the body)FG-eb-895 Fin Whale - note characteristic white color of right side of lower jaw (left side is dark as rest of the body) Gulf of California (Sea of Cortez)
California Grey whale - Aerial view of two adult whalesFG-eb-30 California Grey whale - Aerial view of two adult whales