Picture No. 11676129Tea Plantation Gorreana tea factory harvesting of the leaves takes place when the majority of the branches have three leaves, as each of the leaves has a different age
Kiwi Plantation ripe Kiwis hanging from the branches which are fixed to an artificial structure similar to vinesSAS-955 Kiwi Plantation - ripe Kiwis hanging from the branches which are fixed to an artificial structure similar to vines
DDE-90038588South America, Ecuador, Cayambe. Single long-stemmed rose against sky. Date: 15/05/2012
DDE-90038587South America, Ecuador, Cayambe. Sweetness Rose arrangement displayed at Hacienda Compania. Date: 15/05/2012
DDE-90034557Portugal, Douro Valley, Pinhao. The vineyards of the Douro Valley above Pinhao are set on terraced hillsides above the Douro River. Date: 15/04/2009
DDE-90034556Portugal, Douro Valley, Pinhao. The vineyards of the Douro Valley above Pinhao are set on terraced hillsides above the Douro River. Date: 15/04/2009
DDE-90034555Portugal, Douro Valley, Pinhao. The vineyards of the Douro Valley above Pinhao are set on terraced hillsides above the Douro River. Date: 15/04/2009
DDE-90034554Portugal, Douro Valley, Pinhao. The vineyards of the Douro Valley above Pinhao are set on terraced hillsides above the Douro River. Date: 15/04/2009
DDE-90034553Portugal, Douro Valley, Pinhao. The vineyards of the Douro Valley above Pinhao are set on terraced hillsides above the Douro River. Date: 15/04/2009
DDE-90034552Portugal, Douro Valley, Pinhao. The vineyards of the Douro Valley above Pinhao are set on terraced hillsides above the Douro River. Date: 15/04/2009
DDE-90034551Portugal, Douro Valley, Pinhao. The vineyards of the Douro Valley above Pinhao are set on terraced hillsides above the Douro River. Date: 15/04/2009
DDE-90034550Portugal, Douro Valley, Pinhao. The vineyards of the Douro Valley above Pinhao are set on terraced hillsides above the Douro River. Date: 15/04/2009
DDE-90034549Portugal, Douro Valley, Pinhao. The vineyards of the Douro Valley above Pinhao are set on terraced hillsides above the Douro River. Date: 15/04/2009
DDE-90034548Portugal, Douro Valley, Pinhao. The vineyards of the Douro Valley above Pinhao are set on terraced hillsides above the Douro River. Date: 15/04/2009
DDE-90034547Portugal, Douro Valley, Pinhao. The vineyards of the Douro Valley above Pinhao are set on terraced hillsides above the Douro River. Date: 15/04/2009
DDE-90034546Portugal, Douro Valley, Pinhao. The vineyards of the Douro Valley above Pinhao are set on terraced hillsides above the Douro River. Date: 15/04/2009
DDE-90034545Portugal, Douro Valley, Pinhao. The vineyards of the Douro Valley above Pinhao are set on terraced hillsides above the Douro River. Date: 15/04/2009
DDE-90034544Portugal, Douro Valley, Pinhao. The vineyards of the Douro Valley above Pinhao are set on terraced hillsides above the Douro River. Date: 15/04/2009
DDE-90034543Portugal, Douro Valley, Pinhao. The vineyards of the Douro Valley above Pinhao are set on terraced hillsides above the Douro River. Date: 15/04/2009
DDE-90034542Portugal, Douro Valley, Pinhao. The vineyards of the Douro Valley above Pinhao are set on terraced hillsides above the Douro River. Date: 15/04/2009
DDE-90032364Apple (malus) growing in the valley Vinschgau (val Venosta) in South Tyrol (Alto Adige). Apple orchards in vinschgau. South Tyrol is the most important apple growing region in the European Union
DDE-90032362Apple (malus) growing in the valley Vinschgau (val Venosta) in South Tyrol (Alto Adige). South Tyrol is the most important apple growing region in the European Union. Italy, South Tyrol
DDE-90032361Apple (malus) growing in the valley Vinschgau (val Venosta) in South Tyrol (Alto Adige). South Tyrol is the most important apple growing region in the European Union. Italy, South Tyrol
DDE-90027375Caribbean, US Virgin Islands, St Croix, Whim Plantation, old windmill and well, March (PR) Date: 08/12/2006
DDE-90027280Montserrat, Galway's Plantation. Date: 23/04/2005
DDE-90027210Cuba, Sancti Spiritus Province, Trinidad, Valle de los Ingenios, old sugar plantation area, Manaca Iznaga, 18th century sugar plantation slave watching tower Date: 09/01/2009
DDE-90027209Cuba, Sancti Spiritus Province, Trinidad, Valle de los Ingenios, old sugar plantation area, late afternoon Date: 09/01/2009
DDE-90026816Blenheim, New Zealand. The northern area of the South Island has become a world famous location for wines. Marlborough Vineyards and Brancott are two very known brands. Date: 28/01/2006
DDE-90026815Blenheim, New Zealand. The northern area of the South Island has become a world famous location for wines. Marlborough Vineyards and Brancott are two very known brands. Date: 28/01/2006
DDE-90025394Oman, Wadi Bani Awf, rocky mountains with trees and landscape in Arabian Peninsula Date: 18/01/2007
DDE-90025313Malaysia, West Malaysia, Cameron Highlands, Tea plantations (Large format sizes available). Date: 13/08/2013
DDE-90024938Rainforest, Gunung Leuser National Park, Sumatra, Indonesia Date: 12/08/2006
DDE-90024302India, Tamil Nadu, Nilgiri Mountains, UNESCO World Heritage Steam Train, Udagamandalam (AKA Ooty). Date: 05/07/2007
DDE-90021713Seychelles, La Digue Island, L'Union Estate Plantation, Anse Source D'Argent beach Date: 19/11/2005
DDE-90021183Island of Mauritius. Rugged volcanic countryside with typical sugar cane fields. Date: 21/05/2008
DDE-90021161Africa; Malawi; Mulanje; Mt. Mulanje; Mt. Mulanje behind tea estate. Date: 09/03/2005
DDE-90021149Africa; Malawi; Mulanje; Mt. Mulanje; Tea estate next to Mt. Mulanje Date: 09/03/2005
DDE-90021140Africa, Malawi, Thyolo, Fields of tea bushes with trees Date: 09/03/2005
DDE-90020301Africa, Kenya. Sisal field dotted with Baobab and Acacia trees. Date: 03/05/2005
Picture No. 11676971Cotton Plant harvesting cotton Date:
Picture No. 11676970Cotton Plant workers harvesting cotton Date:
Picture No. 11676968Cotton Plant workers harvesting cotton Date:
Picture No. 11676966Tea Plantation Date:
A Paulownia plantation in QueenslandEL-1916 A Paulownia plantation in Queensland. Near Kingaroy, Queensland, Australia
Picture No. 11676975Cotton Plant workers harvesting cotton Date:
Picture No. 11676972Cotton Plant workers harvesting cotton Date:
Picture No. 11676969Cotton Plant workers harvesting cotton Date:
Picture No. 11676967Tea Plantation workers Date:
Picture No. 11676965Tea Plantation Date:
Picture No. 11676962Tea Plantation Date:
Picture No. 11676959Tea Plantation workers Date:
Picture No. 11676958Tea Plantation workers Date:
Picture No. 11676953Tea Plantation Date:
Trees in a Paulownia plantation in QueenslandEL-1917 Trees in a Paulownia plantation in Queensland. Near Kingaroy, Queensland, Australia
Shade grown coffee plantation in the hills of western central MexicoJZ-3932 Shade grown coffee plantation in the hills of western central Mexico Jim Zipp contact details: tel: +44 (0) 20 8318 1401
Picture No. 11676974Cotton Plant workers harvesting cotton Date:
Picture No. 11676973Cotton Plant workers harvesting cotton Date:
Picture No. 11676964Tea Plantation workers Date:
Picture No. 11676963Tea Plantation Date:
Picture No. 11676961Tea Plantation workers Date:
Picture No. 11676960Tea Plantation workers Date:
Picture No. 11676957Tea Plantation Date:
Picture No. 11676956Tea Plantation Date:
Picture No. 11676955Tea Plantation Date:
Picture No. 11676954Tea Plantation Date:
Picture No. 11676952Tea Plantation workers Date:
Picture No. 11676927Cotton Plant Date:
Picture No. 11676919Tea Plantation Date:
Picture No. 11676918Tea Plantation Date:
Picture No. 11676128Tea Plantation Gorreana tea factory Date:
Picture No. 11676127Tea Plantation Gorreana tea factory Date:
Picture No. 11676123Tea Plantation Gorreana tea factory Date:
Picture No. 11676125Tobacco Plant Plantation Date:
Picture No. 11676124Tobacco Plant Plantation Date:
Picture No. 11676314Cocoa Fruits on trees growing in tropical forest Date:
Picture No. 11676315Cocoa Fruits on the trees growing in tropical forest Date:
Picture No. 11676313Cocoa Fruits on trees growing in tropical forest Date:
Picture No. 11676304Cocoa Fruits on trees growing in tropical forest Date:
Picture No. 11676292Cocoa Fruits on trees growing in tropical forest Date:
Picture No. 11676281Cocoa Fruits on trees growing in tropical forest Date:
Picture No. 11676259Worker woman collecting coffee fruits Date:
Picture No. 11676248Coffee ripe coffee fruits Date:
Picture No. 11073805Fruits of Cocoa / Cacao Tree in plantation, Trinidad
Picture No. 11071464Rubber Tree Plantation - Assam, India. Date: