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Santa Collection

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 11049984

Picture No. 11049984
Polar Bear wearing Christmas hat Digital Manipulation Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12480072

Picture No. 12480072
Boxer Dog, puppy wearing Christmas hat holding Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12480156

Picture No. 12480156
Brussel Sprouts wearing Christmas hats and glasses Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: JD-24426-M

Dog - Irish setter with ears up wearing Santa hat and red bauble decorations Date: 16-05-2007

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 11071337

Picture No. 11071337
Dog - Cavapoo puppy 7 wks old with Christmas hat. Digital Manipulation

Background imageSanta Collection: Father Christmas - riding bicycle through beech woodland - coverd in snow and ice Digital Manipulation

Father Christmas - riding bicycle through beech woodland - coverd in snow and ice Digital Manipulation
USH-4674-M Father Christmas - riding bicycle through beech woodland - coverd in snow and ice Fagus sylvatica Duncan Usher Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12479955

Picture No. 12479955
Polar Bear, wearing Christmas hat and holding Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 11769176

Picture No. 11769176
Emperor Penguin - three chicks ice skating wearing Christmas hats Digital Manipulation: Penguins Background WAT Hats PAB Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12480071

Picture No. 12480071
Boxer Dog, puppy wearing Christmas hat Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12480172

Picture No. 12480172
Alaskan Malamute Dog - with puppy at log cabin door Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12480062

Picture No. 12480062
DOG - Parson Jack Russell puppy ( 8 weeks old Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12020858

Picture No. 12020858
Flamingo, wearing a Christmas hat riding a bike with Christmas presents in illustrated snow scene. Digital manipulation Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 11769174

Picture No. 11769174
Penguin - driving car in winter wearing Christmas hat Digital Manipulation: Penguin & background WAT Car & Hat JD Penguin - driving car in winter wearing Christmas hat Digital Manipulation

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 11071760

Picture No. 11071760
Meerkat / Suricate - family adults and young wearing Christmas hats in snow scene. Digital Manipulation

Background imageSanta Collection: Father Christmas - on bicycle cycling past Fir Trees covered in snow Digital Manipulation

Father Christmas - on bicycle cycling past Fir Trees covered in snow Digital Manipulation
ME-2563-M Father Christmas - on bicycle cycling past Fir Trees covered in snow Johan De Meester Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12020812

Picture No. 12020812
Dog, English Bulldog - adult and puppies wearing Christmas hats and sunglasses. Digital manipulation Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 11071761

Picture No. 11071761
Meerkat / Suricate - family adults and young wearing Christmas hats snowflakes

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 10761754

Picture No. 10761754
Train - the historic diesel engines and trains of the Santa Fe Southern Railway are used for touristic excursions only Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: DDE-90037889

South America, Argentina, Province Salta, Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes. A llama herd in a tiny Andean village (a.s.l. 4.400 m) Date: 11/09/2007

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 11992908

Picture No. 11992908
snowy cottage santa claus Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12479278

Picture No. 12479278
Giant Panda, wearing Christmas hat in falling snow Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: DOG - two husky puppies sitting in snow wearing red Christmas Santa hats

DOG - two husky puppies sitting in snow wearing red Christmas Santa hats Date: 22-05-2021

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12480060

Picture No. 12480060
Dog - Cavapoo puppy 7 wks old with Christmas hat Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Polar Bear yearling lying in the snow holding a Christmas present and wearing a red Snata hat

Polar Bear yearling lying in the snow holding a Christmas present and wearing a red Snata hat Date: 20-09-2013

Background imageSanta Collection: Dog ~ Samoyed puppy in snow in christmas scene with teddy bear

Dog ~ Samoyed puppy in snow in christmas scene with teddy bear
Dog - Samoyed puppy in snow in christmas scene with teddy bear Date: 03-09-2014

Background imageSanta Collection: Llama with big eye lashes wearing Christmas hat

Llama with big eye lashes wearing Christmas hat Date: 13-03-2018

Background imageSanta Collection: CAT. Kitten in snow weairing a red Christmas Santa hat

CAT. Kitten in snow weairing a red Christmas Santa hat Date: 22-05-2021

Background imageSanta Collection: Pet Hamster, looking cute wearing a red Christmas Santa hat

Pet Hamster, looking cute wearing a red Christmas Santa hat Date: 28-03-2021

Background imageSanta Collection: Father Christmas / Santa Claus at the North Pole with Polar Bears in Christmas hats

Father Christmas / Santa Claus at the North Pole with Polar Bears in Christmas hats Date: 20-Sep-13

Background imageSanta Collection: Emperor Penguin - chick wearing a red Santa Christmas hat

Emperor Penguin - chick wearing a red Santa Christmas hat

Background imageSanta Collection: Santa Claus riding a bicycle through the snow with a Christmas tree

Santa Claus riding a bicycle through the snow with a Christmas tree Santa Claus riding a bicycle through the snow with a Christmas tree Date: 27-Oct-06

Background imageSanta Collection: Beagle Dog, puppy wearing Christmas Santa hat

Beagle Dog, puppy wearing Christmas Santa hat Beagle Dog, puppy wearing Christmas Santa hat

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12480159

Picture No. 12480159
Great Grey Owl, wearing Christmas pudding glasses Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12479276

Picture No. 12479276
Father Christmas, in car waving goodbye with Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12480244

Picture No. 12480244
Emperor Penguin wearing Christmas hat in illustrated Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12480243

Picture No. 12480243
Penguin wearing Christmas hat carrying presents Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12480083

Picture No. 12480083
Giant Panda, wearing Christmas hat holding present Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12480160

Picture No. 12480160
Emperor Penguin, young wearing Christmas hat Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12480001

Picture No. 12480001
Snow globe, Polar Bear smiling wearing Christmas hat Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12479960

Picture No. 12479960
Penguins, wearing Christmas hats and scarf in Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12479959

Picture No. 12479959
Emperor Penguin, dressed as Father Christmas in winter snow Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12479958

Picture No. 12479958
Polar Bear, wearing Christmas party hat with Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12479947

Picture No. 12479947
Emperor Penguin, young wearing Chritmas hat and Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12479945

Picture No. 12479945
Emperor Penguin, young jumping for joy at Christmas, Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12479943

Picture No. 12479943
Emperor Penguin, Young wearing Christmas hat Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12479279

Picture No. 12479279
Chinstrap Penguin, pair wearing Christmas hats Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12479277

Picture No. 12479277
Giant Panda, wearing Christmas hat holding present Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12480242

Picture No. 12480242
Norwegian Forest Cat wearing Christmas hats mouths Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12480236

Picture No. 12480236
Norwegian Forest Cat, kitten wearing Christmas Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12480234

Picture No. 12480234
Beagle Dog, puppy wearing Christmas hat Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12480077

Picture No. 12480077
Boxer and English Cocker Spaniel Dog both wearing Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12480076

Picture No. 12480076
Dwarf Rabbit in Christmas hat in winter snow Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12480070

Picture No. 12480070
English Cocker Spaniel Dog, 10 week old puppy Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12479250

Picture No. 12479250
Cow, smiling wearing Christmas hat Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12479940

Picture No. 12479940
Argentine Horned Frog wearing Christmas hat Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12479938

Picture No. 12479938
Lion, male, wearing Christmas hat, Santa Roars Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12479271

Picture No. 12479271
Prosecco / Champagne glasses with Christmas hats on Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12480079

Picture No. 12480079
Camel in winter scene with Christmas hats Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12480061

Picture No. 12480061
Dog - Cavapoo puppy 7 wks old with Christmas Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12480053

Picture No. 12480053
Bernese Mountain Dog puppy sitting wearing Christmas Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12479907

Picture No. 12479907
Australian shepherd Dog, wearing Christmas hat Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12479898

Picture No. 12479898
Common Toad wearing Christmas hat in winter scene Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12479896

Picture No. 12479896
Robin, wearing Christmas hat on spade handle in winter Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12479627

Picture No. 12479627
Puppies in a row wearing Christmas hats, Cockapoo, Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12479619

Picture No. 12479619
Naked couple wearing only Father Christmas hats Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12479617

Picture No. 12479617
Fat Robin wearing Christmas hat, JOY Fat Robin Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12479613

Picture No. 12479613
SHEEP.Texel ewes in snow wearing Christmas hats Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12479237

Picture No. 12479237
Icelandic Horse wearing Christmas hat and Christmas Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 12480044

Picture No. 12480044
Deer with Christmas hat and candy cane in winter scene Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: Picture No. 11768867

Picture No. 11768867
Mallard Duck - duckling wearing Christmas hat Digital Manipulation: Hat PAB Date:

Background imageSanta Collection: DDE-90032293

Vaporetto water taxi along the Grand Canal, Venice, Italy. Date: 18/03/2010

Background imageSanta Collection: DOG - Siberian / Arctic Husky puppy peering over fence wearing, red Christmas Santa hat

DOG - Siberian / Arctic Husky puppy peering over fence wearing, red Christmas Santa hat Date: 22-05-2021

Background imageSanta Collection: Hedgehog driving a sports car through Christmas winter scene

Hedgehog driving a sports car through Christmas winter scene Date: 30-11-2015

Background imageSanta Collection: Cat ~ Tabby kitten wearing red Christmas Santa hat

Cat ~ Tabby kitten wearing red Christmas Santa hat
Cat - Tabby kitten wearing red Christmas Santa hat Date: 16-05-2007

Background imageSanta Collection: Bulldog, wearing black Bah Humbug Christmas hat

Bulldog, wearing black Bah Humbug Christmas hat Date: 11-09-2018

Background imageSanta Collection: JD-20191-C

Ducklings on blue spotted background wearing, red Christmas Santa hats Date: 11-04-2009

Background imageSanta Collection: DONKEY - Donkey in snow wearing red Christmas Santa hat

DONKEY - Donkey in snow wearing red Christmas Santa hat Date: 16-05-2007

Background imageSanta Collection: DOG - Alaskan malamute puppy on sledge wearing red Christmas Santa hat

DOG - Alaskan malamute puppy on sledge wearing red Christmas Santa hat Date: 22-05-2021

Background imageSanta Collection: DOG ~ Black Labrador puppy wearing red Christmas Santa hat with wellington boots in the snow

DOG ~ Black Labrador puppy wearing red Christmas Santa hat with wellington boots in the snow
DOG - Black Labrador puppy wearing red Christmas Santa hat with wellington boots in the snow Date: 16-05-2007

Background imageSanta Collection: Robin on garden Fork Handle in winter snow wearing a red Christmas Santa hat

Robin on garden Fork Handle in winter snow wearing a red Christmas Santa hat Date: 19-05-2021

Background imageSanta Collection: Father Christmas / Santa Claus on beach, Khai Nai Island, Phuket, Thailand

Father Christmas / Santa Claus on beach, Khai Nai Island, Phuket, Thailand Date: 21-Jun-12

Background imageSanta Collection: Dog. Cocker Spaniel puppy, black & white wearing red Christmas Santa hats

Dog. Cocker Spaniel puppy, black & white wearing red Christmas Santa hats Dog. Cocker Spaniel puppy, black & white wearing red Christmas Santa hats Dog

Background imageSanta Collection: Hedgehog with Christmas hat on branch in winter snow

Hedgehog with Christmas hat on branch in winter snow Hedgehog with Christmas hat on branch in winter snow

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