DDE-90036882Badger(Captive), Taxidea taxus, Widespread US Date: 31/05/2006
DDE-90036881Badger (Captive) Taxidea taxus, Widespread US Date: 31/05/2006
DDE-90036880Badger (Captive) Taxidea taxus, Widespread US Date: 31/05/2006
DDE-90025822Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, Kakadu World Heritage Park, Northern Territory, Australia Date: 17/02/2005
Picture No. 1198084988 butterfly / Widespread 88, Cueva de los Guacharos National Park / Cave of the Oilbirds, Colombia 88 butterfly / Widespread 88, Cueva de los Gucharos National Park / Cave of the Oilbirds
Crested Pigeons - pair wait near a bird feeder for their early morning feedEL-1927 Crested Pigeons - pair wait near a bird feeder for their early morning feed. Endemic to Australia
Australian Tawny Frogmouth / Tawny-shouldered Frogmouth - roosts during the daytime in a Cajuput Tree (Myrtaceae)EL-1936 Australian Tawny Frogmouth / Tawny-shouldered Frogmouth - roosts during the daytime in a Cajuput Tree (Myrtaceae: Melaleuca leucadendron) in a suburban street
Pacific Black Duck - preening after bathing in a suburban swimming poolEL-1933 Pacific Black Duck - preening after bathing in a suburban swimming pool
Painted Lady - resting on high passROG-11938 Painted Lady - resting on high pass, at c. 11, 000 ft. Most widespread butterfly in world