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Images Dated 2005 July

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Images Dated 2005 July: 1 Jul 2005

1 Jul 2005 Collection
25 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 2 Jul 2005

2 Jul 2005 Collection
9 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 3 Jul 2005

3 Jul 2005 Collection
18 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 4 Jul 2005

4 Jul 2005 Collection
32 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 5 Jul 2005

5 Jul 2005 Collection
14 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 6 Jul 2005

6 Jul 2005 Collection
23 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 7 Jul 2005

7 Jul 2005 Collection
15 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 8 Jul 2005

8 Jul 2005 Collection
20 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 9 Jul 2005

9 Jul 2005 Collection
11 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 10 Jul 2005

10 Jul 2005 Collection
16 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 11 Jul 2005

11 Jul 2005 Collection
14 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 12 Jul 2005

12 Jul 2005 Collection
22 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 13 Jul 2005

13 Jul 2005 Collection
18 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 14 Jul 2005

14 Jul 2005 Collection
44 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 15 Jul 2005

15 Jul 2005 Collection
16 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 16 Jul 2005

16 Jul 2005 Collection
8 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 17 Jul 2005

17 Jul 2005 Collection
11 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 18 Jul 2005

18 Jul 2005 Collection
18 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 19 Jul 2005

19 Jul 2005 Collection
37 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 20 Jul 2005

20 Jul 2005 Collection
14 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 21 Jul 2005

21 Jul 2005 Collection
33 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 22 Jul 2005

22 Jul 2005 Collection
24 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 23 Jul 2005

23 Jul 2005 Collection
6 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 24 Jul 2005

24 Jul 2005 Collection
8 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 25 Jul 2005

25 Jul 2005 Collection
12 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 26 Jul 2005

26 Jul 2005 Collection
18 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 27 Jul 2005

27 Jul 2005 Collection
30 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 28 Jul 2005

28 Jul 2005 Collection
13 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 29 Jul 2005

29 Jul 2005 Collection
2 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 30 Jul 2005

30 Jul 2005 Collection
12 Items

Images Dated 2005 July: 31 Jul 2005

31 Jul 2005 Collection
10 Items

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Upside Down Catfish West Africa

Upside Down Catfish West Africa
PM-1100 UPSIDE-DOWN CATFISH West Africa Synodontis nigriventris Pat Morris Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway.

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Triggerfish / Picasso / White-barred Fish

Triggerfish / Picasso / White-barred Fish
KEL-995 Picasso / White-barred TRIGGERFISH / Picasso Fish Rhinecanthus aculeatus Indo Pacific

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: White-bellied Caique

White-bellied Caique
AP-1191 White-bellied Caique Dist: South America Piontites leucogaster Dennis Avon Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Cedar Waxwing

Cedar Waxwing
JZ-2082 Cedar Waxwing Bombycilla cedrorum Jim Zipp Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Meyer's Parrot

Meyer's Parrot
AP-1398 Meyer's Parrot Poicephalus meyeri Dennis Avon Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Blue-headed Pionus Parrot

Blue-headed Pionus Parrot
AP-758 Blue-headed Pionus Parrot Dist: Central & South America Pionus menstruus Dennis Avon Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Florida / West Indian Manatee - toe nails visible Crystal River, Florida, USA

Florida / West Indian Manatee - toe nails visible Crystal River, Florida, USA
DSE-241 Florida / West Indian MANATEE - toe nails visible Crystal River, Florida, USA

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Chinook salmon - leaping falls during migration to its spawning area

Chinook salmon - leaping falls during migration to its spawning area
TOM-1007 Chinook salmon - leaping falls during migration to its spawning area. Pacific Northwest

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Water droplet - On bryony tendrill Bedfordshire UK 064

Water droplet - On bryony tendrill Bedfordshire UK 064
BB-825 Water droplet - On bryony tendrill UK Brian Bevan Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Amur/ Korean Leopard Endangered Species. Winter. 4MR1316

Amur/ Korean Leopard Endangered Species. Winter. 4MR1316
TOM-1004 Amur / Korean Leopard Endangered Species. Winter

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: USA -half dome seen through jeffrey's and whitebark pines. Yosemite National Park

USA -half dome seen through jeffrey's and whitebark pines. Yosemite National Park
ROG-11957 USA - half dome seen through Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi) and whitebark pines (Pinus albicaulis)

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Common Octopus

Common Octopus
LA-1499 Common OCTOPUS Distribution: Found Worldwide in tropical, subtropical and temperate waters

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Giant Flemmish Rabbit - close-up of head & ears

Giant Flemmish Rabbit - close-up of head & ears
LA-1497 Giant Flemmish Rabbit - close-up of head & ears Jean Michel Labat Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Western Australia - Kimberley Australian Baobab (Boab)

Western Australia - Kimberley Australian Baobab (Boab)
JPF-12245 Western AUSTRALIA - Kimberley, Australian Baobab Adansonia gregorii Jean Paul Ferrero Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Parrot Snake Costa Rica

Parrot Snake Costa Rica
DOW-4 Parrot Snake - mouth open Costa Rica Leptophis ahaetulla Steve Downer Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Jewel Cichlid Fam: Cichlidae Nile River, Africa

Jewel Cichlid Fam: Cichlidae Nile River, Africa
KEL-633 Jewel Cichlid Nile River, Africa Hemichromis bimaculatus Fam: Cichlidae Ken Lucas Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Asian / Indian Elephant - on the jungle track. Corbett National Park, India

Asian / Indian Elephant - on the jungle track. Corbett National Park, India
JR-403 Indian / Asian ELEPHANT - Group on jungle track Corbett National Park

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Black Leopard / Panther - cub 16 weeks

Black Leopard / Panther - cub 16 weeks
JDAA-6 LEOPARD - Black Panther - cub, 16 weeks old

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Peacock / Peafowl - Head of female / Peahen Location: Ornamental garden, UK

Peacock / Peafowl - Head of female / Peahen Location: Ornamental garden, UK
SPH-3395 Peacock / Peafowl - Head of female / Peahen Location: Ornamental garden

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Picture No. 11675237

Picture No. 11675237
White Rhinocerous. Date

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Whale Shark - Ron Taylor filming a giant Whale shark. Ningaloo Reef, West Australia

Whale Shark - Ron Taylor filming a giant Whale shark. Ningaloo Reef, West Australia
VT-8564 Whale Shark - Ron Taylor filming a giant Whale shark. Ningaloo Reef, West Australia

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Great Spotted Woodpecker - male displaying in spring-time

Great Spotted Woodpecker - male displaying in spring-time
USH-912 Great-spotted WOODPECKER - Male displaying in spring time Dendrocopos major Duncan Usher Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Greek Tortoise-Sunbathing National Park Neusiedlersee, Austria

Greek Tortoise-Sunbathing National Park Neusiedlersee, Austria
USH-1856 Greek Tortoise - Sunbathing National Park Neusiedlersee

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Blacktail Barracuda - These fish are often seen in huge schools through-out the Indo Pacific

Blacktail Barracuda - These fish are often seen in huge schools through-out the Indo Pacific
VT-8462 Blacktail BARRACUDA Northern Great Barrier Reef Sphyraena qenie Often seen in huge schools through-out the Indo-Pacific oceans

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Monk Parakeet

Monk Parakeet
AP-1604 Monk Parakeet Myiopsitta monachus Dennis Avon Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Red-shouldered Macaw - aka. Hahn's Macaw Guianas, E. Venezuela, E. Brazil

Red-shouldered Macaw - aka. Hahn's Macaw Guianas, E. Venezuela, E. Brazil
AP-1234 Red-shouldered / Hahns Macaw Guianas, E. Venezuela, E. Brazil Ara nobilis Dennis Avon Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Picture No. 11674934

Picture No. 11674934
Ostriches foraging in fynbos by coast. Date

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Hollyhocks - In garden outside old barn

Hollyhocks - In garden outside old barn
SG-20036 Hollyhocks - In garden outside old barn UK Ardea London Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway.

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Barn Owl - in barn

Barn Owl - in barn
ME-706 Barn Owl - perched on basket In barn Tyto alba Johan De Meester Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Obsidian dome, geological site; at 8000 ft

Obsidian dome, geological site; at 8000 ft
ROG-11943 Obsidian dome, geological site; at 8000 ft. Evidence of recent volcanic activity

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Picture No. 11675236

Picture No. 11675236
Bonteboks amongst fynbos. Date

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Ancient Sierra / Western Juniper - at about 10, 000 ft in the Sierra Nevada

Ancient Sierra / Western Juniper - at about 10, 000 ft in the Sierra Nevada
ROG-11918 Ancient Sierra / Western Juniper - at about 10, 000 ft in the Sierra Nevada

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Waterlily - flower

Waterlily - flower
WAT-12587 Waterlily - flower M. Watson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Burgundy Snail - edible snail. Alsace - France

Burgundy Snail - edible snail. Alsace - France
WAT-11075 Burgundy Snail - edible snail Alsace - France Helix pomatia M. Watson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Asian / Indian Elephant - baby

Asian / Indian Elephant - baby
MI-264 Asian / Indian Elephant - baby Elephas maximus Masahiro Iijima Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Bird of Paradise Flower Table Moutain, South Africa

Bird of Paradise Flower Table Moutain, South Africa
DAD-762 Bird of Paradise Flower Table Moutain, South Africa. Strelitzia reginae David C Dixon Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Corwall - Rad Campion & Foxgloves flowers on the cornish coastal path above Bocastle. UK

Corwall - Rad Campion & Foxgloves flowers on the cornish coastal path above Bocastle. UK
DAD-1316 Cornwall - Rad Campion & Foxgloves flowers on the cornish coastal path above Bocastle

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Malay / Sadle-backed Tapir

Malay / Sadle-backed Tapir
WW-2192 Malay / Saddle-backed Tapir Tapir indicus Bonnie Weisser Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Coachman / Featherfin Coralfish / Longfin Bannerfish / Long-finned Bannerfish / Pennant Bannerfish / Pennant Coralfish

Coachman / Featherfin Coralfish / Longfin Bannerfish / Long-finned Bannerfish / Pennant Bannerfish / Pennant Coralfish
VT-7273 Coachman / Featherfin Coralfish / Longfin Bannerfish / Long-finned Bannerfish / Pennant Bannerfish / Pennant Coralfish / White bannerfish / Black-and-White heniochus / Brown-and-white

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Barn Owl - x2

Barn Owl - x2
ME-709 Barn Owl - x2, perched on basket In barn Tyto alba Johan De Meester Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Turkey Vulture Mexico Pacific Coast

Turkey Vulture Mexico Pacific Coast
JZ-1656 Turkey Vulture - on stump Pacific Coast, Mexico Cathartes aura Jim Zipp Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Rainbow - Lamar Valley - Yellowstone National Park, USA

Rainbow - Lamar Valley - Yellowstone National Park, USA
CAN-2468 Rainbow - Lamar Valley Yellowstone National Park, USA John Cancalosi Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Wolverine Kuhmo Finland

Wolverine Kuhmo Finland
WAT-10775 Wolverine Kuhmo, Finland Gulo gulo M. Watson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Raven Kuhmo Finland

Raven Kuhmo Finland
WAT-10845 Raven Kuhmo, Finland Corvus corax M. Watson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Raven Kuhmo Finland

Raven Kuhmo Finland
WAT-10784 Raven Kuhmo, Finland Corvus corax M. Watson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Lavender. Sault - Vaucluse - PACA

Lavender. Sault - Vaucluse - PACA
WAT-12567 Lavender. Sault - Vaucluse - PACA Lavandula latifolia x lavandula M. Watson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Short-Eared Owl-In flight National Park Neusiedlersee, Austria

Short-Eared Owl-In flight National Park Neusiedlersee, Austria
USH-1851 Short-Eared Owl-In flight National Park Neusiedlersee, Austria Asio flammeus Duncan Usher Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Edible frog - on lily pad. Vaucluse - PACA - France

Edible frog - on lily pad. Vaucluse - PACA - France
WAT-12539 Edible frog - on lily pad Vaucluse - PACA - France Rana esculenta M. Watson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway.

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Red-ruffed lemur 3mp86

Red-ruffed lemur 3mp86
TOM-1002 Red-ruffed lemur Varecia variegata Tom & Pat Leeson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: The Manatee Monument - at the bottom of 'King Spring'

The Manatee Monument - at the bottom of "King Spring"
KA-143 The Manatee Monument - at the bottom of "King Spring", Florida, USA Kurt Amsler Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Western white pine tree - at c. 9500 ft. in the Sierra Nevada

Western white pine tree - at c. 9500 ft. in the Sierra Nevada
ROG-11924 Western white pine tree - at c. 9500 ft. in the Sierra Nevada, California, USA

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Picture No. 11675240

Picture No. 11675240
Spotted Hyena (aka Laughing Hyena) cub walking. Date

Background imageImages Dated 2005 July: Picture No. 10896019

Picture No. 10896019
Spanish Moon Moth - caterpillar of the hybridisation between Graelsia isabellae and Actias dubernardi (Graellsia isabellae) Date

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