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39 Items
Jaguar - female, with 2 day old cub in forest floor den. In the wild. Amazonas, BrazilNG-1234 Jaguar - female, with 2 day old cub in forest floor den. In the wild. Amazonas, Brazil
Scotland - Ben NevisJD-2106 Scotland - Ben Nevis John Daniels Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
African Elephant - male Samburu National Park, Kenya, AfricaLA-3056 African Elephant Samburu National Park, Kenya, Africa Africana loxodonta Jean Michel Labat Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Wales - Breacon Beacons, views from Peny FanDAD-854 Wales - Breacon Beacons, views from Peny Fan
Picture No. 10735391Amish Farmer driving a team of horses pulling wagon - through a field in snow Date
Red Deer - stag roaring during rutting seasonUSH-278 Red Deer - stag roaring during rutting season Cervus elaphus Duncan Usher Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Picture No. 10872032Massawa - Old town with local residents Date
Picture No. 10872028Eritrean Girl - Wearing headwear Date
Sign - board on roadside displaying daily fire warning as very high South IslandMAB-443 Sign - board on roadside displaying daily fire warning as very high South Island, New Zealand Mark Boulton
Ferry - Interislander and Bluebridge ferries in Picton harbour South Island New ZealandMAB-513 Ferry - Interislander and Bluebridge ferries in Picton harbour South Island New Zealand Mark Boulton
Scotland - bog pools with Cotton GrassROG-10992 Scotland - bog pools with Cotton Grass, Spagnum, Cross-leaved heath. flow country at Forsinard, Norht East Scotland
Pochard - resting on waterRES-945 Pochard - resting on water Aythya ferina George Reszeter Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Greylag Goose - in flight over water - UKRES-940 Greylag Goose - in flight over water UK Anser anser George Reszeter Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Gadwall - in flightRES-934 Gadwall - in flight Anas strepera George Reszeter Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Barnacle Goose - in flight - February - UKRES-922 Barnacle Goose - in flight February - UK Branta leucopsis George Reszeter Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Barnacle Goose - in flight - February - UKRES-921 Barnacle Goose - in flight February - UK Branta leucopsis George Reszeter Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Black Spider Monkey - male sunbathingUSH-1133 Black Spider Monkey - male sunbathing Ateles paniscus Duncan Usher Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
UK - heathland in flower at Hardy Monument with Western Gorse. Dorset, UKROG-10519 UK - heathland in flower at Hardy Monument with Western Gorse. Dorset, UK. Bob Gibbons Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Scotland - high altitude Lichen covered stone fieldsROG-10081 Scotland - high altitude Lichen covered stone fields
Scotland - rare plant site Cairngorms, Tayside, Caenlochan Glen, Partly NNRROG-10080 Scotland - rare plant site Cairngorms, Tayside, Caenlochan Glen, Partly NNR Bob Gibbons Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Sperm Whale - tail fluke shedding water droplets as it dives off Kaikoura South Island New ZealandMAB-505 Sperm Whale - tail fluke shedding water droplets as it dives off Kaikoura South Island New Zealand Physeter macrocephalus Mark Boulton Please note that prints are for personal display
Scotland - highlands, extensive covering of heathland with Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)DAD-1511 Scotland - highlands, extensive covering of heathland with Bilberry / Blaeberry / Whimberry / Whortleberry (Vaccinium myrtillus), Cowberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) & bright green growth
Team of four work horses on Amish farm in upstate New York - In barnyard - In snow -Pulling wagonCAN-3077 Team of four work horses on Amish farm New York, USA John Cancalosi Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Team of four work horses on Amish farm in upstate New York - In barnyard - In snow -Pulling wagonCAN-3071 Team of four work horses on Amish farm New York, USA John Cancalosi Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Dolerite pillars, part of a dolerite sillASW-4594 Dolerite pillars, part of a dolerite sill, up to 120 m high standing sentinel over surrounding Great Karoo plains Valley of Desolation, Camdeboo National Park, Eastern Cape
Dolerite pillars, part of a dolerite sillASW-4593 Dolerite pillars, part of a dolerite sill, up to 120 m high standing sentinel over surrounding Great Karoo plains Valley of Desolation, Camdeboo National Park, Eastern Cape
Dolerite pillars, part of a dolerite sillASW-4592 Dolerite pillars, part of a dolerite sill, up to 120 m high standing sentinel over surrounding Great Karoo plains Valley of Desolation, Camdeboo National Park, Eastern Cape
Jaguar - swimimg across creek, in the wild. Amazonia, BrasilNG-592 Jaguar - swimimg across creek, in the wild. Amazonia, Brasil Panthera onca Nick Gordon Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Jaguar - male in shallow creek. Amazonas, BrazilNG-1244 Jaguar - male in shallow creek. Amazonas, Brazil Panthera onca Nick Gordon Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Jaguar - female, at edge of creek looking across water. In the wild. Amazonas, BrazilNG-1240 Jaguar - female, at edge of creek looking across water. In the wild. Amazonas, Brazil
Jaguar - female & 10 week old cub crossing shallow creek. Amazonas, BrazilNG-1227 Jaguar - female & 10 week old cub crossing shallow creek Amazonas, Brazil
Jaguar - female & 10 week old cub coming to edge of creek, in the wild. Amazonas, BrasilNG-1226 Jaguar - female & 10 week old cub coming to edge of creek, in the wild. Amazonas, Brazil
Jaguar - female, cleaning 8 week old cub. Amazonas, BrazilNG-1221 Jaguar - female, cleaning 8 week old cub. Amazonas, Brazil Panthera onca Nick Gordon Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Jaguar - male, crossing shallow creek. In the wild. Amazonas, BrazilNG-1219 Jaguar - male, crossing shallow creek. In the wild. Amazonas, Brazil
Cape Hare foraging in open area in early morningASW-4605 Cape Hare - foraging in open area in early morning Mountain Zebra National Park, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Lepus capensis Inhabits drier, open habitat
Cape Hare foraging in open area in early morningASW-4604 Cape Hare - foraging in open area in early morning. Blood vessels (for thermoregulation) in ears highlighted by sun Mountain Zebra National Park, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Blesbok with calf. Inhabits open grassland with waterASW-4602 Blesbok - with calf Mountain Zebra National Park, Eastern Cape, South Africa Damaliscus dorcas phillipsi Inhabits open grassland with water. Endemic to South Africa. Alan J. S
Female Amethyst (African Black) Sunbird visiting flower of Bruinaalwyn aloe (Aloe vryheidensis)ASW-4566 Female Amethyst (African Black) Sunbird - visiting flower of Bruinaalwyn aloe (Aloe vryheidensis). Mountain Zebra National Park, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Amethyst / African Black Sunbird - Female visiting flower of Bruinaalwyn aloe (Aloe vryheidensis)ASW-4565 Amethyst / African Black Sunbird - female visiting flower of Bruinaalwyn aloe (Aloe vryheidensis). Mountain Zebra National Park, Eastern Cape, South Africa