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21 Items
Visayan Warty Pig - male - central PhilippinesKF-11651-C Visayan Warty Pig - male central Philippines Sus cebifrons Kenneth W Fink Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway.
Picture No. 10889141Monkey Puzzle Tree / Monkey Tail Tree / Araucaria - Valdivian temperate rainforest consisting mainly of Southern Beeches and some Monkey Puzzle Trees (Araucaria araucana) Date
Picture No. 10889140Monkey Puzzle Tree / Monkey Tail Tree / Araucaria - Valdivian temperate rainforest consisting mainly of Southern Beeches and some Monkey Puzzle Trees (Araucaria araucana) Date
Picture No. 10889139Monkey Puzzle Tree / Monkey Tail Tree / Araucaria - Valdivian temperate rainforest consisting mainly of Southern Beeches and some Monkey Puzzle Trees (Araucaria araucana) Date
Picture No. 11672473Domestic Sheep adult ewe in snow. Date
Picture No. 11672472Domestic Sheep adult ewe in snow. Date
Picture No. 10889142Monkey Puzzle Tree / Monkey Tail Tree / Araucaria - Valdivian temperate rainforest consisting mainly of Southern Beeches and some Monkey Puzzle Trees (Araucaria araucana) Date
Picture No. 10889138Monkey Puzzle Tree / Monkey Tail Tree / Araucaria - Valdivian temperate rainforest consisting mainly of Southern Beeches and some Monkey Puzzle Trees (Araucaria araucana) Date
Picture No. 10889136African Violet / Estrellita - brightly red coloured flower growing on a tree trunk in Valdivian temperate rainforest (Steranthera ovata) Date
Picture No. 10889609Tres Lagos Trail - the Three Lakes Trail leads along three lakes through Valdivian temperate rainforest with blooming Hardy Fuchsia (Fuchsia magellanica) Date
Picture No. 10889359Lago Chico - Chico Lake located amidst Valdivian temperate rainforest consisting mainly of Southern Beeches and some Monkey Puzzle Trees Date
Picture No. 10889303Hardy Fuchsia / Bushy Fuchsia - big blooming bushes in Southern Beech forest (Fuchsia magellanica) Date
Picture No. 10885531Grey Whale - surfacing - watched by tourists in boat (Eschrichtius robustus) Date
Picture No. 10885537Grey / Gray Whale - spyhopping in front of whale watchers in boat (Eschrichtius robustus) Date
Picture No. 10889633Lago Tinquilco and Volcan Villarrica - snow covered volcano Villarrica and Lake Tinquilco seen from Tres Lagos hiking trail Date
Picture No. 10889632Lago Tinquilco and Volcan Villarrica - snow covered volcano Villarrica and Lake Tinquilco seen from Tres Lagos hiking trail Date
Picture No. 10889634Waterfall - and flowering Hardy Fuchsia in Valdivian temperate rainforest (Fuchsia magellanica) Date
Grey / Gray Whale - spyhopping - San Ignacio Lagoon - Baja California - MexicoSE-1407 Grey / Gray Whale - spyhopping San Ignacio Lagoon - Baja California - Mexico Eschrichtius robustus Suzi Eszterhas
Grey / Gray Whale - spyhopping - San Ignacio Lagoon - Baja California - MexicoSE-1408 Grey / Gray Whale - spyhopping San Ignacio Lagoon - Baja California - Mexico Eschrichtius robustus Suzi Eszterhas
Red-shouldered Hawk - adult male and female - February - Connectucut - USAJZ-4056 Red-shouldered Hawk - adult male and female February - Connectucut - USA Buteo lineatus Jim Zipp Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only
Red-fronted Gazelle - male Senegal to EthiopiaKFO-693 Red-fronted Gazelle - male Senegal to Ethiopia Eudorcas rufifrons Latin also Gazella rufifrons Kenneth W Fink Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only