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20 Items
Picture No. 10889125Lesser Spotted Woodpecker - female (Dendrocopus minor) Date
Picture No. 10890314Emerald Skink (Lamprolepis smaragdina) Date
Picture No. 10899744Cheetah - on a mound (Acinonyx jubatus) Date
Picture No. 10889124Lesser Spotted Woodpecker - female on feeder (Dendrocopus minor) Date
Picture No. 10899745Cheetah - laying on a mound (Acinonyx jubatus) Date
Picture No. 10890313Blue Arrow Poison Frog (Dendrobates azureus) Date
Picture No. 10983588Gaboon Viper - camouflaged on the forest floor Usambara Mountains, Tanzania, Africa (Bitis gabonica) Date
Picture No. 10899749Lioness - all female group in the savannah (Panthera leo) Date
Picture No. 10899669Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis tippedski) Date
Picture No. 10899668Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis tippedski) Date
Picture No. 10899748Lioness - all female group in the savannah (Panthera leo) Date
Picture No. 10899747Lion - close up (Panthera leo) Date
Picture No. 10899746Cheetah - laying on a mound (Acinonyx jubatus) Date
Polar Bear - in a zooPM-10836 Polar Bear - in a zoo Thalarctos maritimus Pat Morris
Selection of traditional Chinese medicine products featuring tiger parts and other animalsPM-10847 Selection of traditional Chinese medicine products featuring tiger parts and other animals traditional medicines Pat Morris
Cuis, the wild ancestor of the domestic Guinea Pig, Andes, South AmericaPM-10823 Cavy (local name: Cuis) Andes, South America. Cavia porcellus The wild ancestor of the domestic Guinea Pig, Pat Morris
Saturiid moth caterpillar - defensive display - with urticating(stinging)CAN-4508 Saturiid moth caterpillar - defensive display - with urticating(stinging) hairs Tropical dry forest - Santa Rosa national park - Costa Rica Automeris metzli John Cancalosi
Saturiid moth caterpillar - defensive display - with urticating(stinging)CAN-4509 Saturiid moth caterpillar - defensive display - with urticating(stinging) hairs Tropical dry forest - Santa Rosa national park - Costa Rica Automeris metzli John Cancalosi
Saturiid moth caterpillar - with urticating(stinging)CAN-4510 Saturiid moth caterpillar - with urticating(stinging) hairs - Tropical dry forest - Santa Rosa national park - Costa Rica Automeris metzli John Cancalosi
Lantern fly - (Machaca) - Fulgora lampetis - Costa Rica - Tropical dry forset - Defensive displayCAN-4507 Lantern fly - (Machaca) - Tropical dry forset - Defensive display Costa Rica Fulgora lampetis John Cancalosi