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22 Items
Picture No. 10890640Little Black Cormorant (Phalacrocorax sulcirostris) Date
DDE-90200103USA, Indianapolis, Indiana, Eagle Creek City Park Date
DDE-90038667Central America, Honduras, Bay Islands, Roatan, Spider Monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) eating tortilla chip. Captive. (PR) Date: 22/11/2011
Picture No. 10887216Young Parasol - in acid grassland (Macrolepiota procera) Date
Picture No. 10887217Lepista panaeola Fungi - (formerly Lepista luscina) forming large fairy ring in grassland (Lepista panaeola) Date
Picture No. 10887218Bracken - turning red in autumn Great Hill / Triscombe Stone Date
Picture No. 10887219Old beech trees Date
Picture No. 10887215Lepista panaeola Fungi - (formerly Lepista luscina) forming large fairy ring in grassland (Lepista panaeola) Date
Picture No. 10887213Slime Mould - Plasmodium stage - on grasses (Mucilago crustacea) Date
Picture No. 10890685Welcome Swallow - at its nest with young - in the corner of a container (Hirundo neoxena) Date
Picture No. 10983592Montane Forest Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda, Africa Date
Picture No. 10887208Old beech trees Date
Picture No. 10887214Field Blewitt - in acid grassland (Lepista saeva) Date
Picture No. 10887212Blackening Waxcaps - in various stages - acid grassland (Hygrocybe conica ) Date
Picture No. 10887207Old beech trees Date
Picture No. 10887211Golden Waxcap Fungi - in acid grassland (Hygrocybe chlorophana) Date
Picture No. 10887210Dusky Puffball - in acid grassland (Lycoperdon nigrescens ) Date
Picture No. 10887209White Spindles fungi - in acid grassland (Clavaria fragilis ) Date
Picture No. 10891211Dik-dik (Madoqua sp.) Date
Picture No. 10891207Bush buck / Bushbuck - with mouth open (Tragelaphus scriptus) Date
9-banded ArmadilloPC-122 NINE BANDED ARMADILLO - on beach Dasypus novemcinctus 9-Banded Armadillo Piers Cavendish
Bison - North American PlainsKF-5226 Bison North American Plains Bison bison Kenneth W Fink