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299 Items
Light Micrograph (LM): A transverse section of a stem of Whisk Fern (Psilotum nudum); Magnification x18 (on 10)LRDS-167 Light Micrograph (LM)
Macro Photograph: Patterns of Paenibacillus bacteria on petri dish - C type (chiral)LRDS-218 Macro Photograph: Patterns of Paenibacillus bacteria on petri dish - C type (chiral) magnification x25 (A4 size)
DDE-90027752Canada, British Columbia, Smithers. A sun pillar of falling ice crystals and snow-laden spruce trees. Date: 08/07/2005
DDE-90037737South Pacific, Cook Islands, Honeymoon Island. A sprouting coconut on a remote island. Date: 08/07/2005
Macro PhotographLRDS-232 Macro Photograph: Patterns of Paenibacillus bacteria on petri dish - T type (tip-splitting morphotype) magnification x5.6 (A4 size)
DDE-90037739French Polynesia, Cook Islands, Rarotonga. Colorful tropical fabrics on display. Date: 08/07/2005
DDE-90037738South Pacific, Cook Islands, Aitutaki, Honeymoon Island. A remote tropical island with sand and palm trees. Date: 08/07/2005
DDE-90037655French Polynesia, Society Islands, Taha'a. Paul Gauguin cruise ship at anchor. Date: 08/07/2005
DDE-90027756Canada, British Columbia. Bulrushes coated with hoar frost with snow in background. Date: 08/07/2005
DDE-90027755Canada, British Columbia, Smithers. A sun pillar of falling ice crystals and snow-laden spruce trees. Date: 08/07/2005
DDE-90027754Canada, British Columbia, Smithers. A sun pillar of falling ice crystals and snow-laden spruce trees. Date: 08/07/2005
DDE-90027753Canada, British Columbia, Smithers. Snow-laden spruce trees cast shadows across sunlit snow. Date: 08/07/2005
DDE-90027751Canada, British Columbia, Smithers. A sun pillar of falling ice crystals and snow-laden spruce trees. Date: 08/07/2005
DDE-90027496Canada, Alberta, Jasper National Park. Wood lilies at dusk. Date: 08/07/2005
DDE-90019835Kenya, Masai Mara Reserve. Leopard lounges in a fig tree. Date: 08/07/2005
DDE-90019836Kenya. Two giraffes munch on tree leaves. Date: 08/07/2005
DDE-90019833Kenya. Sunset reflects on water through silhouetted reeds. Date: 08/07/2005
DDE-90019834Kenya, Masai Mara Reserve. Acacia tree silhouetted at sunset. Date: 08/07/2005
Marine DiatomsLRMC-3 Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM): Marine Diatoms Magnification x2400 (when printed A4, 29.7 cm cm wide) David McCarthy and Dae Sasitorn / Last Refuge
Picture No. 10893394Toque Macaque - on ground putting food in mouth (Macaca sinica) Date
SilicoflagellateLRDS-297 Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM): Silicoflagellate, Skeleton bearing stage of Dictyocha speculum Magnification x3
Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM): Nerve cells grown in a cultureĀ LRDS-269 Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM): Nerve cells grown in a culture David Spears (Last Refuge) / Last Refuge
RadiolarianLRMC-13 Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM): Radiolaria skeleton: Magnification x960 (when printed A4)
Picture No. 10736286Zion National Park Date
Picture No. 10736288Zion National Park Date
Picture No. 10736287Zion National Park Date
Picture No. 10890535Iron Prominent Moth - resting on tree bark (Notodonta dromedarius) Date
Picture No. 10890530Lesser Yellow Underwing - resting on fence panel (Nactua comes) Date
Picture No. 10890537Ruby Tiger - resting on leaf (Phragmatobia fuliginosa fuligino) Date
Picture No. 10890531Broad-barred White - on bark of birch tree (Hecatera bicolorata) Date
Picture No. 10890528Scotch Argus - upperside - resting on grass - introduced to area (Erbia aethiops) Date
Picture No. 10890533Red Kite - in flight (Milvus milvus) Date
Picture No. 10890532Red Kite - part white form - in flight - two recorded in Wales (Milvus milvus) Date
Picture No. 10890526Woodpigeon - on ground - with grass and white clover (Columba palumbus) Date
Picture No. 10890529Copper Underwing - at rest on dead wood (Amphipyra pyramidea) Date
Picture No. 10890523Long-tailed Skua - Perched on ground - side view - radio trnsmiter on leg (Stercorarius longicaudus) Date
Picture No. 10890527Marbled White - upperside - wings open at rest (Melanargia galathea) Date
Picture No. 10890520Polar Bear - at the edge of the sea ice (Ursus maritimus) Date
Picture No. 10890518Polar Bear - head up walking across sea ice - sea in the background (Ursus maritimus) Date
Picture No. 10890525Grey Squirrel - sitting up with tail raised (Sciurus carolinensis) Date
Picture No. 10890524Reindeer - pair feeding on Tundra (Rangifer tarandus platyhynchus) Date
Picture No. 10890522Svalbard Rock Ptarmigan - female walking across stoney area of tundra (Lagopus muta hyperborea) Date
Picture No. 10890521Polar Bear - on edge of sea ice - looking towards camera (Ursus maritimus) Date
Picture No. 10890519Polar Bear - front paw raised - walkin across sea ice (Ursus maritimus) Date
Picture No. 10890514Walrus - In sea - close up of head - two animals beyond (Odobenus rosmarus) Date
Picture No. 10890517Walrus - Group on beach with raised heads (Odobenus rosmarus) Date
Picture No. 10890516Walrus - Two reared up - on beach (Odobenus rosmarus) Date
Picture No. 10890510King Eider - taking off - feet on water surface- with reflection in water (Somateria spectabilis) Date
Picture No. 10890515Walrus - Group - one with head raised on beach (Odobenus rosmarus) Date
Picture No. 10890513Walrus - In sea - close up of head (Odobenus rosmarus) Date
Picture No. 10890512Tourists in zodiac boat - approaching walrus Date
Picture No. 10890505Polar Bear - Walking at waters edge - on sea ice (Ursus maritimus) Date
Picture No. 10890509King Eider - male swimming - with reflection in water (Somateria spectabilis) Date
Picture No. 10890511King Eider - wings raised taking off - with reflection in water (Somateria spectabilis) Date
Picture No. 10890508King eider - Swimming - with reflection in water (Somateria spectabilis) Date
Picture No. 10890507Polar Bear - On sea ice - mountains beyond (Ursus maritimus) Date
Picture No. 10890506Polar Bear - Standing on sea ice - with head raised (Ursus maritimus) Date
Picture No. 10890501Polar Bear - At waters edge - sitting with head raised (Ursus maritimus) Date
Picture No. 10890504Polar Bear - Head raised - walking across sea ice (Ursus maritimus) Date
Picture No. 10890503Polar Bear - Head and paw raised - on sea ice (Ursus maritimus) Date
Picture No. 10890494Bearded Seal - Hauled out on sea ice (Erignathus barbatus) Date
Picture No. 10890497Polar Bear - Eating contents of eider ducks nest (Ursus maritimus) Date
Picture No. 10890502Polar Bear - Sitting at waters edge - with reflection (Ursus maritimus) Date
Picture No. 10890500Black Guillemot - profile - sitting on ice flow (Cepphus grylle) Date
Picture No. 10890499Grey Phalarope - Swimming with refection in water (Phalaropus fulicarius) Date
Picture No. 10890498Polar Bear - Walking along the sky line (Ursus maritimus) Date
Picture No. 10890496Polar Bear - Walking along waters edge (Ursus maritimus) Date
Picture No. 10890495Polar Bear - Head and paw raised - walking near sky line (Ursus maritimus) Date
Picture No. 10890493Little Auk - Two sitting on rock (Alle alle) Date
Picture No. 10890486Arctic Skua - Standing on rock - (Stercorarius parasiticus) Date
Picture No. 10890491Little Auk - Close up of head (Alle alle) Date
Picture No. 10890492Little Auk - Sitting on rock - in breeding area (Alle alle) Date
Picture No. 10890484Moss Campion -on flat ground - with habitat beyond (Silene acaulis) Date
Picture No. 10890489Little Auk - Three perched on rock (Alle alle) Date
Picture No. 10890490Little Auk - Group on rock - in breeding area (Alle alle) Date
Picture No. 10890487Black Guillemot - Swimming on sea (Cepphus grylle) Date
Picture No. 10890488Black-legged Kittiwake - Flock in flight (Rissa tridactyla) Date
Picture No. 10890482Artic Cinquefoil - growing on damp hill side (Potentilla hyparctica) Date
Picture No. 10890485Galcier - ice in sea in foreground Date
Picture No. 10890480Polar Willow - growing in moss (Salix polaris) Date
Picture No. 10890476Mountain Avens - on grassy slope (Dryas octopetala) Date
Picture No. 10890483Polar Willow - close up showing catkins (Salix polaris) Date
Picture No. 10890479Northern Fulmar - Flying over sea - (Fulmarus glacialis) Date
Picture No. 10890481Moss Campion (Silene acaulis) Date